URL Field expands off layout view


I've reported it to support as a bug, but just wondering if there's a workaround in the meantime?

I have a couple of URL fields in a database and they're already at the maximum width I can go in the form layout..

Some of the URL's are very long and exceed the viewport width of the field, which should be fine under normal circumstances - just like a browser address bar, the rest of the URL should be scrollable if you cursor along to it..

But - instead, the field width expands, taking the 'globe' icon off the form.  Even if I shrink the field width down to about half the width of the form and insert a 'space' layout item, the field expands behind the space - ignoring the space completely and still expanding off the form..

Obviously, the field should not go wide than it is, however long the content is..  is there a workaround to keep the field the same width, regardless of the length of the content?

Here's an example (The field with the spanner is a 'space' intended to stop the field from expanding, but it's ignoring it...)


1 reply

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Which app is this on - i'm on the mac cloud version and it works perfectly no matter how much= I expand or condense the window size - it always truncated the etc off to the right hand edge and it still shows the globe?

    Also tried it on my Ipad and iphone and still works perfect!

    silly question but what happens if you create a normal text box and copy that long data string into it. or add a formula field to point to your url field Do they do the same?

    the url field does not have the ability to expand it to wrap text