auto populate email field
Hi guys
Is there a way to automatically populate an email field with the mailadres from a person from a linked table? In this scenario I don't want to use the Formula-field because this formula field does not give the same possibilities to edit the subject and body in html.
The reason behind my question is that I want to send the email not via Ninox but via the standard mail program (Outlook in this case). I've noticed that the "OpenURL" does not seem to allow me to edit my body text by adding breaks etc and always opens a blank tab in Safari (not in Google Chrome), which is a bit annoying. Also, using this function it is not possible to automatically add an attachment (pdf in the image field e.g.), I presume?
5 replies
Jarno - there are a few ways to do it but a simple way from buttons etc
This one of the ays I do it on my job dockets forms
So on my my customer card Table I have a field called email
now on my Jobdockets table every time i enter a job I want the email field to auto fill in the email form the main customer card...and like you i want it to fire my standard outlook client.
so in the trigger on new record in the Jobdocket form form I simply put
ignore the other bit of code in my screen shot ... "let before etc" as that relates to me auto numbers jobs
Not you can auto add attachments using Send Mail (Ninox's in built email system)
I use both methods very successfully
ie on my job bags
I send order Acks & Order dispatched etc
and thanks you for ordering with us (plus a pdf advert)
With the out look method I call outlook then have several preset signature letter preset..
ie Debt Chase letters etc...
thank you for the feedback Mel . However, since my two tables are not parent-child tables, I don't think this solution works for me (I tried imputting the formula but had no results). I was curious as to what you said about the automatically adding attachments to the email. What is the code for this? Now I'm using a downloadlink but this is not as user-friendly for the receiver because many people don't want to click links coming from a third party.
You said you want to copy the email from a linked table ? as along as you have a link you should be able to extra the email from the other table record.
Re attachments
Here is the script from my customer (goods dispatched button) using SendEmail
This gives calls one of my letters which are stored in a table that holds customer letters templates (SystemFile). Then sends the appropriate message notification plus adds an attachment (advert) (see bold lines)
should be fairly self explanatory !
if Status < 2 or Status > 3 then
alert("job Status is not in production")
Status := 3;
if not 'Email+' then
alert("No valid contact in email field")
if DispFlag = 1 then
alert("Dispatched Confirmation already sent!")
let thisBody := first((select SystemFile).OrderDispatchedLetter);
let myEmail := userEmail();
let myAtt := first(files(record(SystemFile,1)));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Ord Company}", text('Ord Company'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Name}", text('Order Name'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Job Bag}", text('Job Bag'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Date}", text('Order Date'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Name}", 'Order Name');
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Ref}", 'Order Ref');
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Qty}", text(Qty));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Desc}", Desc);
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Del Company}", text('Del Company'));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Del Address}", text('Del Address'));
DispFlag := 1;
from: myEmail,
to: 'Email+',
subject: "Your order has been dispatched by 118 Printgroup",
text: "Goods Dispatched Confirmation",
html: thisBody,
attachments: myAtt
alert("Goods Dispatched Email has been Sent");
DisplayMenu := 1
end -
Thanks Mel Charles , but this solution, although a good one, would require me to use the SendEmail({ }), which I don't want to do. In fact, I want to use the "Ninox Email Field". If I would be able to get this field to automatically fill in the mailadres from an existing formula-field (using a button?), that would do the trick - but that does not seem to work. Perhaps in the "Default value"?
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 129Views