I’m doing a questionnaire
On the questionnaire there is "Agree, Slightly Agree, Unsure, Slightly Disagree and Disagree"
Im trying to make it so Agree is = to 5 points, Slughtly Agree is = to 4 points etc.
Is this possible? and how would the code go? TIA
12 replies
I basically want Choice Value 1 in the Multiple Choice = 2 , Then Choice Value 2 = 2 etc.
If you have a choice field with choice values starting from Disagree down to Agree. So the first option is Disagree and the fifth option is Agree.
Using number(ChoiceField) would give you the number of that choice.
How about linking question 1,3,9 and 16 to the Conf. formula box? Is that possible?
ok that's done, but how do I change to one number of them all added up? I've tried numbers but it doesn't seem to work for me. tia
I see you put the 'Agree' first in line, then you can use: if Choice then 6 - number(Choice) end to get the right value.
To sum your values you can add your formula-fields. e.g. fx1+fx3+fx9+fx16 (assuming your formula fields are called fx1, ...fx16)
Are they Multiple choices? Then you get wrong number (Hex Values)
Best practice is to use choice-field i guess
I tried using choice fields, but every time i click on the box (For example: Unsure) it disappears, while when I use a multiple choice the cookout of the box stays.
My bad steven i figured it out, while in edit mode you can't press on them. Makes sense I guess lol
This is how i ended up doing it, it looks weird when it isn't in order how I had it, so I made combo boxes instead. :)
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 12Replies
- 452Views