Is there a way to do versioning of fields?
I think about a database, that holds marketing data. I would like to edit w.g. a "slogan" once in a while, but keep history of versions. Do I need to have a separate table with entries for that? Or could I have some kind of versioning of fields?
1 reply
Hi Dirk
You would need to create a child table to hold the previous versions.
The ay I do it is to have the filed locked before edit the prress a button (that has the script to both unock the fields and copy the selected filds to the child table)
go ahead with your edit then on on form exit have it relock those fields
all very do able!
I do this for GDPR updating of contact info - not not that very different to what you are doing
as an example (button script)
this checks to see if the status filed has been updated
it then copies slected info into variables (let etc)
creates an entry ith child table called GDPRaudit (let i :=(create GDPRaudit)
copy the saved fields from variables - ie i.(Company (this is the feld name) := xCompany (this is the variable name I gave ))
(extract form the button script)
Unlock := 1
if 'GDPR Status' > 0 then
let xCurrRec := Id;
let xCustID := Custid;
let xCompany := Company;
let xFullName := FullName;
let xEmail := Email;
let xPhone := Phone;
let xMobile := Mobile;
let xGDPR := 'GDPR Status';
let i := (create GDPRaudit);
i.(CustId := xCustID);
i.(Company := xCompany);
i.(FullName := xFullName);
i.(Email := xEmail);
i.(Phone := xPhone);
i.(Mobile := xMobile);
i.(GDPR := xGDPR);
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- 3 yrs agoTue, July 20, 2021 at 9:03 AM UTCLast active
- 1Replies
- 206Views