Formula to display an array of choices from subtable

Hi all,


I have two tables (A and B) connected to each other through a one-to-many relationship. In table B, I have a single choice field (B) called Country. I'd like all the results from Country to be displayed through a formula in Table A.


I achieved this already through concat, however this means the results are converted to text and I cannot use them in other parts of the database, for example setting up a View. I'm trying to group all Table A results by country, but I cannot work with text.


Is there a way to display the result of a single choice field as an array of choices, rather than just an array of text?


Many thanks,


2 replies

    • Giovanni_Zagarella
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Bumping in case anyone has inputs on this. Thanks in advance.

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Giovanni -


    As you can see there are some limitation to how you show fields. If you are in TableA and want to show all related records in TableB in your Table view then you need to have a concat as the Table view can not show an array. If you create the same field without the concat, you will see all related records if you view the record itself.


    For example:


    Field1: TableB.Country will show up in the record form view, but if you try to add it to the Table view it will not show up.


    Field2: concat(TableB.Country) will show up in the record form view, and will also show up in the Table view if you try to add it.


    Even if you have Field2 cause you want to see the data in a Table view, you can always use the formula TableB.Country to gather all the related Country data in other formula field or View element formulas.


    I hope this helps.