Display quarterly results
I want to display the quarterly results from my invoices. I allready have the formula "quarter(Factuurdatum)" but I don't see how I can get the results. For now my formula is as follows: sum((select Kosten).Bedrag)
But I don't know how I have to complete the formula
10 replies
Something like:
let q := yearquarter(Today());
sum((select Kosten where yearquarter(Factuurdatum) = q).Bedrag)
ps: using yearquarter() instead of quarter() gives you only the results of the current year and not the past years.
To build on Steven's comments, if you have a formula field called quarter that has:
Then you can find all quarter 1 records regardless of year by using:
sum((select Kosten[quarter = 1]).Bedrag)
the square brackets are another way of doing a where statement.
Thanks for the feedback, guys - both work but when I use the following formula, I get the results of Q4 2021:
let q := yearquarter(Today());
sum((select Kosten where yearquarter(Factuurdatum) = q).Bedrag)
How can I change the formula so that I can see the results for Q1/2021, Q2/2021, Q3/2021, Q4/2021 and so one? I presume a new formula for each quarter and each year?
The formula is working exactly like Steven said it would, see his ps comment.
If you want to create a formula that finds the current year quarter 1 then you can change either:
let q := 1; <- change the value of the variable used in the select statement
sum((select Kosten where yearquarter(Factuurdatum) = q).Bedrag)
(remove the variable assignment)
sum((select Kosten where yearquarter(Factuurdatum) = 1).Bedrag) <- hard code the quarter number into the select statement
Thx Fred but unfortunately the result is still 0,00 € (whereas there should be a number). Could it be because the value in yearquarter is displayed as "2021 Q1" instead of "1"?
Yes, sorry. I was thinking quarter not yearquarter. Give it a try and let us know.
I would create a choice field (in this example called Kwartaal) with 4 choices in order Kwartaal1,Kwartaal2,Kwartaal3 en Kwartaal4. With this, you can choose which quarter you want to show. The formula would then be:
let q := Kwartaal;
sum((select Kosten where year(Factuurdatum) = year(today()) and quarter(Factuurdatum) = q).Bedrag)
Thx guys, but it still does not work I'm afraid. Could ik be because my summary table is a different table than the expenses table? The hierarchy is as follows:
1. Werven (=Construction sites)
1.a) Kosten (=Expenses)
1.b) Vorderstaten (=Progress states)
2. Samenvatting (=Summary)
I tried to get the summary on the "Samenvatting" table where I want to create a dashboard of some sort.
Update - thanks to your input, the puzzle was solved:
sum((select Kosten where year(Factuurdatum) = year(today()) and quarter(Factuurdatum) = q).Bedrag)
==> instead of "q" I put "1" for the first quarter, "2" for the second quarter etc.
Thanks again!
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 10Replies
- 334Views