Return/Select Record ID of a sub table


I am developing a database for gear inspection.  Each piece of gear has a subtable to record inspection dates and results.

In the main form I would like to display the latest inspection date and corrisponding inspection result such as "Pass" or "Fail".  I can do this if I just use the last function but my problem comes from entering previouse inspection results later on as the above function only displays the last entered not the last inspection date.  

basically I need to find out which record in the subtable contains the latest inspection date then display that date, and display the corisponding inspection result.


Thank you

1 reply

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    last(select ...... order by date) 

    adding order by date will give jou the latest date..
