I can't send the mail

I need to send the email with the .ics file attached. The ics-file is generated correctly. There is no error but I don't receive the mail. How can he knows the password of the account  from where I'm sending the mail?? Can someone help?

createTextFile(this, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
UID:event-" + Evento + 'Nr. persone' + "persone" + ".ics
SUMMARY:" + 'Fase di' + Evento.Evento + "
DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:" + format(Evento.'Inizio evento', "YYYYMMDD") + "
DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:" + format(Evento.'Fine evento', "YYYYMMDD") + "
LOCATION:" + Fiera.'Nome struttura' + "
DESCRIPTION:" + 'Fase di' + "
END:VCALENDAR", "event-" + Evento + ".ics");
"Ask the user to confirm sending of confirmation";
"(this allows time for the file to be created)";
let result := dialog("Invio evento", "Devo aggiungere " + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + "  al calendario?", ["Si", "No"]);
if result = "Si" then
let filetosend := file(this, "event-" + Evento + ".ics");
let emailText := "Dear Walcher Messebau, This is a confirmation of your booking for " + Evento.Evento + "</b><br>Starting: <b>" + Evento.'Inizio evento' + "</b><br>Ending: <b>" + Evento.'Fine evento' + "</b><br><br>" + Evento.Evento + "
<br><br>This is a confirmation of your booking for:<br><br>Evento: <b>" + Evento.Evento + "</b><br>Starting: <b>" + Evento.'Inizio evento' + "</b><br>Ending: <b>" + Evento.'Fine evento' + "</b><br><br>" + Evento.Evento + "<br><br><br>";
from: "info@*******.**",
to: "***********@gmail.com",
subject: "'Fase di' + Evento",
text: text(emailText),
html: emailText,
attachments: filetosend,

4 replies

    • lanematthewc
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have the exact same problem. It worked perfectly for months until I upgraded to Ninox 3 this week.

    • Walcher_Messebau_GmbH
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Now it fixed from alone. I canceled both mail addresses and rewrote exact the same.  I noticed that sometimes it takes 5 minutes for the email to reach the recipient. I don't know what it depends on

    • Walcher_Messebau_GmbH
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    It doesn't work again :/

    • Walcher_Messebau_GmbH
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I think there is a problem on Ninox Server