Where is the top-center of Ninox to select ?
I am with an Ipad.
I can’t select rows to copy records as shown below on the screenshot.
There, one explains that one have to click from top-center of Ninox.
Where is that top-center ?
I can’t find it. It does not work.
I think the screenshot is about an old version of Ninox and it must be another way to select on mine.
Can someone help me ?
10 replies
Sakshi should have said the table view icon
If you don't see it as it is displayed in the image, look around the menus to see if you can find it.
Thanks to both of you
Please, have a look at the screenshot
(sorry it is in French but you'll see the difference)
Highlight the records and fields just like you would if you were selecting a section of text. You know how to copy and paste, yes?
Thanks Sean
I can't select as with text !
If I click on one of them that opens the form…
That's the reason why you need to select table view instead of table/form view. I don't have access to an iPad right now so I can't tell you how to select it on one.
Table view might not be available on the iPad.
Thank you Sean
So it is impossible to that on an Ipad ??
No, it's possible, just not as flexible or convenient as copy/paste. You can run script from a button to do it.
for rec in select Table1 where YourField = yourCriteria do
let newRec := create Table2;
newRec.Field1 := rec.Field1;
newRec.Field2:= rec.Field2;
Thank you so much Sean
By the way I need to copy a same value to a large number of empty fields of a column.
Could you tell me which script could do this ?
First, do you understand the script I posted? A field is represented by a column. A record is represented by a row.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 10Replies
- 1337Views