Multi planning view
Hello, could you complete the Ninox solution with the integration of a multi planning
The Person table is a resource.
For a table, it must be specified whether or not it reserves the resource (for example: The Meeting table reserves the resource and Task table does not reserve the resource)
Functions to search availabilities based on criteria:
- FindFreeDate (Date; Duration; Resource) returns true / false
- FindFreeResource (List of resource, date, duration) returns a list of resources
5 replies
Have a look at the GANTT capability available in the new version:
Thank's, but the GAANT view is different than to plan meeting or different things from different tables in one view.
A GANTT would work..... Create a composite table under Person .. something like "Activity" .. and have an activity type combo box.. for Meeting, Task (etc).. This puts everything into a single table.
unfortunately no it does not allow to obtain the same work process, the gantt view is not adapted because it does not allow to quickly visualize the availability of free work areas when there are several tens or even hundreds of reservations of a workspace for example. when a professional is on the phone and has to find a reservation quickly then the gantt view is not functional enough compared to the multi-resource agenda like this one.
This is something our company would also find beneficial... Being able to colour code in the gant form, and have multiple jobs/tasks/whatever on the one line.
I've mostly convinced out team of a viable workaround, but if this ever came available it would be great. Particularly colour coding.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 1907Views