Subtable - ordering system
I'm trying to create parts ordering system for my shop. Is it posible to automatily open new subtable record When i'm adding new part number to subtable of single order. Every time i add single part number i have to go with mouse and click to add new part number, when you have orders of 100+ part numbers it get's realy anoying. I would like to just enter the part number and quantity and in "triger after update" of quanitity new record popup etc..
20 replies
Yeah.. heads down data entry in Ninox takes a bit of thought and care.
Without thinking too much about it... I took the Inventory template database.. then modified the Sales record as such.
1. Added a "Search Article" field and a Search Result(s) view.
2. Put the following formuila in the "Search Result(s) viewOne you type in the Search Article and tab to the quanty you see something like
3. Modified the "Back" button to populate the Purchase record if there is one and only one match. You can make this logic more robust, with alert messages, etc.Click the back.. and. POOF..
I am sure there are other patterns / improvements... but like I said.. I did not put too much thought / time into..
Let me know your thoughts... and Happy Ninox-ing to you! :)
WOW.. sorry for the type-os above.. I was moving pretty fast. SOOO.. I just thought of a better pattern..
You can take the example above.. and rather than clicking to add a "purchase" (or order Item) ... on the main sales view.. you can add a search, quanity, and "add item" button that would create the purchase record, link in the article, set the quantiy and clear the search field ready for the next item.. :) Whew.. now my brain hurts.. :)
Again . Happy Ninox-ing.
Sorry.. Above where I said "purchase" should have been "Sales".. :) I told you I was moving too fast.. LOL..
Here is a quick hack at the Client Orders form.. I added
Search Article, Quantity, Search result(s), and Add Item.
Type an Article Number into "Search Article" and tab to Quantity (you may want to make it case insensitive) .. If there is a match .. you will see something in the Search result(s) (you may want add an alert in the Trigger After Update if no match). Enter the quantity and click "Add Item"..
Here is the code in "Search result(s)"
Here is the code in "Add Item" (you may want to add logic to determine if the item already exists.. and if so.. either add to it.. or warn them)
And here is the "Happy Path" result. Notice the line was added
Thank You so much!!! This is exactly what i need
You bet.... With the site redesign.. not sure where it went.. There are weekly webinars that you can join and ask questions.. From the main page.. scroll (WAY) down.. and you will see a "book a call" reference to here offers unparalleled customer support and service.. Take advantage of it to get the most out of your purchase..
There are also Ninox partners that offer varying levels of support.. check out the partner page..
DISCLAIMER.. I do not work for Ninox.. nor am I affiliated as or with a Ninox partner.. (yet)
@AC Vuko... Not sure what platform you are on.. For a Point Of Sales (POS) .. or Sales Order application, consider a "touch" screen platform (iPad etc) .. this will allow you to use the camera to scan the SKU.. or build a form with buttons to punch in the SKU.. Using "bottons".. you can then put logic behind them to dynamically look up the SKU as it is typed in.. In my example above.. you have to tab off the field for the "Search Results" formula to execute (or if you put logic in the after update trigger).. It works.. but it is a bit clunky..
@Mconneen, Thanks for sharing!
Im looking for a way, after you set the fields null,
t.('Search Article' := null);
t.(Qty := null);to automatically put the cursor to "Search Article" for typing the next item?
(e.g. Like "Go to Field" step in another DB System)
Any ideas?
To my knowledge, Ninox still does not implement a set focus operation.
@Nick... While not "optimal"... for this specific case, I suppose you could create a tab that only contains the Search, Quantity and Add Item button .. along with a view of the current sales items to see them being added... As you tab off the Search and into the quanity ... press the add item.... tab again you are back in the search .. I suppose if you REALLY REALLY ...... trust the data entery clerk, you could put the add item logic in the after update trigger of the Quanity field..
That said.. if this is still for the above use case (100+ items on a single order)... I suspect there are other patterns / templates .. For example, assume this is for an auto services firm.. and they are performing an oil change service.. That "service" may include multiple "part numbers" .. for Oil, Filter, Used Oil disposal .. etc... but you want to show each item on the receipt... I would create a "Maintenance Plan" template database that contains the sub parts.. and then add that maintenance plan .. which would auto populate the individual rows.
I used a similar approach for a local bakery that accepts pre-orders for their Fat Tuesday / Paczki sales. They have about 20+ variations.. So I created an order form that does have the 20+ columns .. one per variation... but as they post the order, the button has logic to populate individual rows into a order item table if the quanity is not null..
Let's discuss your use case a bit more. ;)
Crap.. got soo caught up in typing.. forgot to add the screen shot.. :)
@Mconneen LOL!!!
Thanks for pointing me to the right direction!
I will try your idea tomorrow.
@Nick.. oh.. by the way.. I have an enhancement request into Ninox such that this discussion group understand what the "@" means.. LOL.. Like what Slack, Teams, LinkedIN.. and that thing called "FB".. LOL..
Please post back here with your resolution.. Looking forward to it.
First... LOL...
So, I created a new tab (Add Item) at first following your idea but in the end I deleted it and now I have theese fields (Search, Qty, button ete) at first place at my main form.
I added fields for Discount and Price. I added and a Cancel button.
Now I will use some logic to it:
e.g. if I don't type any Price it will copy the Price from the Articles table and, of course, look up the Discount Rate from Customer table.
It takes only a Tab keypress after hitting that "Add Item" button to start over with the next item. Works very well!
My wish:
If I could to navigate to button with a Tab key, set focus to button and press spacebar to perform the operation!
Again, @Mconneen thanks and Happy Ninox-ing
Looks good... Yep.. I have seen several requests for the tab order.. and .. as you might expect... it works differently based on platform (app, web, iPad, etc).. :(
My "add item" tab was a hack for the tab order to start over.. :)
Is there a link to the inventory database with the search that I can download?
@S Moore I use the above model in my Orders db.
Here is the link to download "Order with Search" db:
I have successfuly made all. But it's realy slow when adding a article from pricelist with button. Pricelist is more than 200.000 articles, so the loading takes forever...But when i go manualy to add article from price list and paste the part number it finds it instantly in the ninox browser, but on the desktop app Mac OS and iPad app it's also loading whole pricelist every time so it takes long. Is there any function that would stop the pricelist loading before i make search command?
Try this code, the View will not display the Items list until you type in 'Search Article' and tab to next field.
let t := this;
if 'Search Article' != null then
(select '3_Article)['Article No.' like t.'Search Article']
endNot tested...
What are people seeing with "heads down" data entry with Ninox and mulitple users slamming an order entry system using Ninox Cloud? I saw a rather significant slowdown in response time on inserts and updates, but cannot 100% pinpoint it to Ninox Cloud.. or local network traffic..
Just looking for what others in the Ninox community are seeing?
For example.. 2 data entry clerks simultaneously accessing the same customer, order, and order item tables.
Does anybody know if Ninox is doing "row" locking? "Buffer Locking" ?? etc?
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 20Replies
- 6971Views