is there a way to count number of item within a selection field?
I have a selection field and I wish to use to number of item inside to check if all those item are used in the table.
For example: selection field = red, blue and green
table entry: blue date active
red date active
I wish to count selection field item (3) to be able to see if all entry in table with active set to true correspond to that number... in this exemple, let say all active = true... it would return 2, so it missmatch the item count. For now I have a ''number'' in a formula but if I add an item I need to change the number manually in the formula...
6 replies
Is this what you are looking for?
cnt(chosen('Multiple choice'))
close !
but not multiple choice, I mean selection list (like a listbox) sorry my set up is in french so I dont know how it s called in english! The user cannot select multiple value, he must chose only one option. I wish to know how much option he could choose, not how many he had selected.
if my selection field is: red, blue, green then I would have (3) even if nothing is selected.
Hope I explain it the right way!
here a capture... hope it will show it properly! I wish to count the number of item added in the list...
Non il n'est pas possible de faire ça d'autant plus que si tu efface un choix de réponse le numéro n'est plus redonné. En cliquant sur le pop up tu peux le compter (manuellement)
I would also like a formula for this
Interesting idea. If you are using a simple choice/multi choice field then I would say there is no easy way to count the number of choices. Ninox has no way of looking into the choice field without a selection being made.
Maybe you can use a for loop command to make a choice then see if that choice is actually selected then repeat that until you come to a predetermined number of repetitions. It would be easier to just open the field and see how many choices there are.
If you used a dynamic choice/multi field (which was not available when this post was created) then you can put the same code you use in the dynamic field into a formula field with a count() command and you will have a count of the choices.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 2095Views