How do I do a text calculation (e.g., First Name & " " & Last Name)
How do I do a text calculation (e.g., First Name & " " & Last Name)? So, if the contact's first name is "John" and his last name is "Doe", I want to create a Full Name calculation that yields the result "John Doe" (e.g., First Name & " " & Last Name). I can do this in Filemaker and Excel... can I do it in Ninox?
12 replies
The easy way.. See
and search for "concat"..
let fullName := 'First Name' + " " + 'Last Name';
I there is a concat function but that is not what you want here.. as it puts a comma space ", " in between the values.
Of course you can. The formula to enter in the Full Name field is: text(First Name) + " " + (Last Name)
or using the visual composer: as text[First Name]+" "+Last Name
That doesn't work. I get the error: ERR("Symbol expected: "")""")
Use this code:
First Name + " " + Last Name
'First Name' + " " + 'Last Name'
Strange. All three work for me and the last one (with quotes) gets corrected to no quotes.
Okay, using 'First Name' + " " + 'Last Name' worked (John + Doe = John Doe), so then I added to it + " " + 'Suffix' (suffix is a fields the contains endings like Jr., Sr., Esq., etc)... and my results was the error "UNDEFINED"
Further, it removes the single quotes from 'Suffix' turning it into Suffix
Does your suffix field comes from a dropdown selection? Then you must use: text(Suffix)
Great! That worked. Many thanks! Is there handy-dandy quick reference guide to all of the calculation functions and their syntax?
Context: I am considering converting a membership database currently maintain in Filemaker Pro; about 200 fields, and dozens of calculations (primarily text, but some COUNT and SUM functions). I have used FMPro since 1987, and am familiar with its scripting protocols (which is probably what is screwing me up with Ninox). How does Ninox compare to FMPro... is this a reasonable transition, or am I asking to much of Ninox?
You will find our Reference of functions and language here in our User Manual., Jörg
Hey Girls (and Guys),
I understand how to "calculate" me "fullName" field: i.e. First + " " + Last and it shows up brilliantly in the table all finely lined up in order of the FIRST NAME. But i logically (at least my logic) want very thing lined up by the LAST NAME. "order by 'Last Name' does not work. Please can someone help?
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 12Replies
- 2757Views