Number value of multiple choice not correct

Hi guys, big problem here: 

I am using a multiple choice field, but the numbers assigned to the values are not correct. Option 3 doesn't work in a formula. After a long search, I found out it is registered under number 4... This is very strange, does anyone have a clue why?

As proof you can see following simple formulas: 

1 reply

    • John_Halls
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Joren

    It depends...

    raw(Bestemming) gives 4 (as a hex value in a text field)

    numbers(Bestemming) gives 3 (as an array)

    Had you chosen Wonen and Industrie

    raw(Bestemming) would give 5 (as a hex value in a text field)

    numbers(Bestemming) would give 1,3 (as an array)

    See my reply to a question yesterday for more information from RoSoft_Steven Rooryck  and Alain Fontaine on Multiple Choice Fields.

    Regards John

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