Location database


Due to privacy laws I have to run my database from an external hard disk. I can make the app run from the HD but the database is placed in the hidden files on my Mac.

I there a possibility to redirect the path to the database from the hidden files to the HD? Or is it even possible to place the database directly on the HD? If so: how do I make this happen?

Thank you in advance


1 reply

    • mpm
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Some additional information: the HD has an encryption chip with 256-bit AES. Archiving the database to the HD isn't a solution (as suggested by Ninox helpdesk) because the running database is still in the hidden files. The FileVault from Apple is too low in encryption (128-bit AES) so also not a solution.

    Who can help me out?