Next Item in Line Formula

I am creating an approval flow in Ninox. 


I have a field named 'Current Step' and a list of that displays the order of the steps. Named 'Step Order' and the value is '1,2,30'


I want a formula that displays what the next step is by looking at 'Current Step'


For example, if 'Current Step' is 2, the next Step should display as 30.


How do I achieve this?


Thank you,

S Moore

2 replies

    • SMoore
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Looks like Step Order is an array. If so then you can try:

    item('Step Order',Step)

    You can check out their docs for more info.