Compare two fields


I have a 'TableHere' table with 10 records and two text fields filled in:



I want to create a button that compares the two fields and tells me in which records the fields are not identical.

This is what I created, but it doesn’t work.


let afsel := (select 'TableHere');
for loop1 in afsel do
    let afid := loop1.ID;
    if loop1.Testo1 != loop1.'Testo2' then
        alert("Campi diversi nel record " + afid)
        alert("Campi uguali")




Where am I wrong?

Thank you

6 replies

    • Ninox developper
    • Jacques_TUR
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I think your code is right, but the alert message does not wait for the user to press ok. If another message comes, it replaces the previous one. So you can only see the last message displayed by the loop.

    Use the dialog to see all messages one by one: https://docs.ninox.com/en/script/function-overview/functions/dialog

      • Web_Namer
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jacques TUR thank you!

      • Web_Namer
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jacques TUR 

      I entered the follow code, and that’s fine.

      let afsel := (select 'Copia Incolla Cancella Paragona');
      for loop1 in afsel do
          let afid := loop1.ID;
          if loop1.Testo != loop1.'Testo 2' then
              let title := "ATTENTION";
              let message := "In this record there are different fields:" + afid;
              let answerOptions := ["OK"];
              if dialog(title, message, answerOptions) = "OK" then
              let title := "OK";
              let message := "This record is fine:" + afid;
              let answerOptions := ["OK"];
              if dialog(title, message, answerOptions) = "OK" then


      Now I would like the dialogue to open only at the end and not for each record.

      I created this code but it doesn’t work

      let afsel := (select 'Copia Incolla Cancella Paragona');
      let afver := 0;
      for loop1 in afsel do
          let afid := loop1.ID;
          if loop1.Testo1 != loop1.Testo2 then
              let afver := 1;
      if afver > 0 then
          let title := "ATTENTION";
          let message := "There are different fields";
          let answerOptions := ["OK"];
          if dialog(title, message, answerOptions) = "OK" then
          let title := "OK";
          let message := "There aren't different fields";
          let answerOptions := ["OK"];
          if dialog(title, message, answerOptions) = "OK" then

      I understand that after tag "end" the variable is lost. Is it true?

      But other times Ninox gave me error, this time it doesn’t give me any code error.



    • Ninox developper
    • Jacques_TUR
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    It's just because you declared the variable "afver" twice with the "let" statement. 

    Try this code: 

    let afsel := (select 'Copia Incolla Cancella Paragona');
    let afver := 0;
    for loop1 in afsel do
        let afid := loop1.ID;
        if loop1.Testo1 != loop1.Testo2 then
            afver := 1;
    if afver > 0 then
        dialog("ATTENTION", "There are different fields", ["OK"])
      • Web_Namer
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jacques TUR I didn’t know that the let is only used once for the same variable. Thanks

      • Ninox developper
      • Jacques_TUR
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Web Name The word "let" is used to define a variable. If it is used twice, two different variables are defined.

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