To copy a formula field in a formula text ?
Is it possible to copy a formula field in a formula text ?
Thank you
10 replies
I think you want to make a text field from a formula field. Yes, it's possible.
Suppose your table is called 'Noms' and you want to create a textfield 'Name' from a formula field called 'Nameformula', you can use this formula in a BUTTON but first you need to create an empty text-field (in my example it's called 'Name'):
for i in select Noms do
i.Name := i.Nameformula
Note: do not translate the code, only the names of your table and the required fields.
Thank you Steven
I get this error :
"A column has not been find :Name on the line 2, column 9"
'Oiseaux famille genres espéces' is the name of the table
My empty field is called 'Prem mot'
My formula field is called 'Premier mot'
I have changes "Name" by "Nom" (i.Nom) in the formula and now all my names have been removed !
What can I do ?
Steven told you
Note: do not translate the code, only the names of your table and the required fields.
And you said what table and fields you needed to use here
'Oiseaux famille genres espéces' is the name of the table
My empty field is called 'Prem mot'
My formula field is called 'Premier mot'
Put these together with Steven's code and it should work!
Regards John
Thanks John.
I don't understand : there below is my formula I tried before having juts changed "i.Name" by "i.Nom" but as I told I had this error :
"A column has not been find :Name on the line 2, column 9".
for i in select 'Oiseaux famille genres espéces' do
i.Name := i.'Premier mot'
As you can see I just changed 'Oiseaux famille genres espéces' and 'Premier mot' from Steven's formula…
Yes, what I was trying to get you to think about was:- from this code how are you going to fill your empy field 'Prem mot'? It is not mentioned in the code, so where do you think it should go?
Ok, Thanks.
for i in select 'Oiseaux famille genres espéces' do
i.'Prem mot':= i.'Premier mot'
Yes, well done! Did it work?
Yes ! Thanks again John.
Well done addinsell - we are all on a learning journey !! :-)
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 10Replies
- 722Views