Trigg 'create table' and automatic link between table
Hi all. I Have 2 linked tables 'Projet' and 'Planning'. I wanted to create a trigg record on 'Planning' when i add a new record on 'Project' and copy/paste some informations (like date, object).
I used :
let thisProjet := this;
let p := (create Planning);
let myd := 'Date de notification';
let myp := thisProjet;
p.(Jalon := "example");
Planning.('Date limite' := myd);
Planning.(Projet := myp)
It works a new record is created and information are copy/paste, but the problem is that the new record created on 'Planning' is not linked to 'Projet' automaticaly. What did i do wrong? many thx.
8 replies
Try this:
let key := this;
let myd := 'Date de notification';
let p := (create Planning);
p.(Projet := key);
p.(Jalon := "example");
p.('Date limite' := myd)
Fantastic. Everything works perfectly. Thank you so much Dean !
Fantastic. Everything works perfectly. Thank you so much Dean !
Another configuration : I Have 2 linked tables ('Projet' with subtable 'Phases') and ('Planning'). I wanted to create a trigg record on 'Planning' when i add a new record on 'Phases' and copy/paste some informations (like date, object). Is there a way to link with 'Projet' and 'Phases'? many thx.
Add "Trigger on create" to Phases to add new record to Planning:
let p := (create Planning);
p.(Jalon := "example2");
p.('Date limite' := today())
Hi, and thanks again Master Dean, i tried this before, and the problem is that the record is created without the link with table 'Projet'.
You could go into Edit Fields in Planning and drag over the Phases reference from right to left. I did not realize you wanted to create a reference (relation).
Ok thank you very much. I will try like this.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 8Replies
- 760Views