Autofill Formula
I currently have a purchase order table, when i click the 'Delivery to Tritec Office' option it autofills the dleivery address with our office details, which i have done from the following formula which i have had to manually input the fileds, if the the option is'nt ticked then i can manually input an alternative delivery address, which still has the desired effect.
However it would be good to reference our company details which are in a 'settings' table already linked, although its highly unlikely that out office address would chnage it would be good to draw the data from here to save many manual changes to my formulas, should this ever happen.
I have tried many way of drawing the text from the feilds, but had no luck!
5 replies
Hi Terri,
Have a look here at this sample database where i pull numbers from a settings table.
In your case it could be :
'Street Adress:' := record(Settings,1).'Street Adress'
This is the syntax tu pull data from other tables:
record(tableName, recordId).fieldName
Oops, not Terri but Terry. This forum defenitely needs an 'edit' button.
lol, thanks again Steven i'll look this up and hopefully gets it working. my database is turning into a bit of a beast!
Worked a charm! Thanks again!
I think thats about 6 beers i owe you :)
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 1033Views