using "create" and "select" through the table references

Hi all 

i’m running a printshop and planning to use Ninox as an ERP.

i need to resolve one problem


Table 1 (Projects and calculations / CRM)

user select a paper (linked to Table 2), printing technologies and quantity *DONE* 


Table 2 (paper catalogue and inventory)

if the project in table 1 get Status “Paid” , table inventory check, is it a enough paper in stock. *DONE* ,     if not – need to create a supply order in table 3


Table 3 (paper supply orders)

get all orders in one place, automate email to supplier, and when the paper is arrived to warehouse (status “delivered”) move it to stock ot Table 2, and print a label for the paper package that just arrived with project IDs and qty.


My main misunderstanding is how to use “create” and “select” functions through the Table references  and  create a new “supply order record” with the filtered paper name and qty from linked Table 2


from user manual

let p := create Person;

p.Name := "Sarah Conner"


For me it works only with text data, like “Sarah Conner”, and i can’t link another field.

2 replies

    • Mconneen
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    @kuryanov.. This is more than possible with Ninox.   Create the relationships when designing..   Without getting into a great amount of detail..  (I will leave the select / if then else to you).. 

    let's assume that t:= this is Table 1.. 

    let t:= this;

    let t2 := create 'Table 2'

    t.paper := t2; 


    The above creates a Table 2 row.. then assigns it to the "paper" attribute (aka relation) on 'Table 1'.. 

    Hopfully this points you in the right direction. 

    • emerald_kettle
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    @Mconneen, thank you! yes, it pointed me :))   I could not understand that setting a "let" variable (for example t or t2) is so important and will affect the final result of the formula, for me it was just for shortness, when some part is repeated often.