Table view
Hello, its possible to add fiel view table of a table is not linked?
5 replies
Yes with select statement.
Exactly as Nick said.. Here is a bit more... That is the purpose of the "View" layout element. You drop that onto you form .. and then add a forumla for the select. If you want to limit that is in the view.. You can manually add filters by clicking on the columns.. Of.. if there is a data element on your current form that may be used .. you can reference that field.
Here are a few snapshots for you.
The formula.. references the "Filter Constraint" field..
Entering a value into the "Filter Constraint" field .. and moving off that field will automatically manipulate the "view".. I use this approach a lot rather than "table view" (aka table grid).. as those appear to have to be manually refreshed.
shoot.. my typing is aweful this mornig.. Sorry for the type-os above.. :(
...or if you find Mconneen's answer a little science fiction :)
here is something simpler...
let myCode := Item.Code;
let myCust := Customer;
select 'Invoice Items' where myCust = Customer and myCode = Item.CodeNick
Hi Guis,
Thanks for your share informations.
Have a nice days.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
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