Scanner (barcode), compare between two Table(fields)
Hi, I 'am trying to use the scanner to check-in and -out products from my inventory by scanning the serial number barcode on the products. So I have three tables: "Product" > Sub-table: "Serialnumbers", they are linked to a table : "Rental". On the table Rental I have a button with this code:
let code := barcodeScan();
let serialnb := concat(Product.Serialnumbers.'Serial number');
let serialchk := contains(seriecnb, code);
if serialchk = true then
'copytohere' := code;
The problem is that if the serial number is: 123456 and the scanner has 1234 it will still check it as good.
My question is which code I should use for "exactly match" of the fields?
11 replies
Instead of assigning the comparison to a variable and instead of using contains(), let the conditional statement handle the comparison...
if code = serialnb then
copytohere := code
contains() does check for an exact match within the string, but does not do an exact string to string comparison.
Hi Sean, Thanks for your reply! The code is not working, I guess because "Serial number" has many records?
I see what you're saying. Does concat(Product.Serialnumbers.'Serial number') create a string with all of the Serial Numbers? Maybe another possibility would be...
if (select Serialnumbers)['Serial number' = code] then
copytohere := code
I am unable to test this, but the idea is to test for a match using select and filter. I'm about to call it a night so I won't be able to respond until the morning here.
If I try with "select" then it will check every serial number as "good" (copytohere := code) even if the serial number is wrong. And yes, if I use "concat" it will list them separeted bij a comma and a space
This should work...
let serialchk := (select Serialnumbers)['Serial number' = code];
if serialchk != "" then
copytohere := code
Yes it's working now! You are great!!! Thank you so much!!!
LOL. Mass, you’re welcome and I’m glad it’s working for you.
I would need some help with this. I have a table STORAGE CLIENTS and every record has it“s own barcode/unique serial number.
I need, once our clients come back with their printed recepits, to scan the barcode and change the status of the record from IN STORAGE to CHECKED-OUT. I tryed playing around with the previous example but didnt have any luck. Can someone help?
What i did try is to create a new table with a button (as descrbed above) but can”t really get it to work. I need the system to simply change the status of the corresponding record once the barcode is read.
Thanks for any help!
if the status of your table is a text field it should be something like:
let code := barcodeScan();
let serialchk := (select Serialnumbers)[“Serial number” = code];
if serialchk != “” then
“your status field” := text(“checked”);
endfor testing if your button is working anyway you could add:
“your status field” = 0; (or whatever you want to put there)
the status of the record is a choice field
I belive the code i set is wrong
let code := barcodeScan();
let serialchk := (select “Storage Clients”)[“Unique Code” = code];
if serialchk != “” then
(select “Storage Clients”)[“Payment Status” = 3]
endobviuosly the change has to be applied only to the correspoding record..
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 2577Views