I want to show a field only if a particular item in a multiple choice field is selected. How do I do this?
I tried setting it up as follows. In the field I want to show (not show) the I used the formula in the "Display Only if" formula as "Multichoice = TextForItemIWantToBeMet" In other words, Field = Text, then I enter the text from the multiple-choice field. It doesn't work. I'm obviously doing something wrong.
7 replies
Use: text(multiplechoice) = "textyouwanttocheck"
Perfect, that worked. Thanks, Steven!
I need help a formula to do this same thing when more than one "choice" is selected in the multi choice field.
Here's my example. I want "Leauge Fees Paid" field to display if only one of the selections in the multichoice field is "PSO Home Games," irrelevant if any or all of the other multi choice sleections are selected. The formula I used is shwon here, and it only work if not other multi choices are selected.
I so badly wish I could edit my poorly spelled post!
I found the solution. Using the "like" function works:
FYI, you would think that this function would work as "not like" too, and the manual says that "not like" is the function, but it DOES NOT work. It has to be entered as "NOT (field) LIKE (text) instead of how you think it should be entered which is (field) NOT LIKE (text).
Thanks for the information Mr. K, good to know.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 2157Views