Neither of the two formulas work
I try these two formulas but not work some ideas.
let xFld1 := 'Avance Plan';
let xFld2 := 'Avance Real';
let i := (create AVANCES_PROY);
i.('Avance Plan' := xFld1);
i.('Avance Real' := xFld2)
let xFld1 := (select 'Documentos').'Avance Plan';
let xFld2 := (select Documentos').'Avance Real';
let i := (create AVANCES_PROY);
i.('Avance Plan' := xFld1);
i.('Avance Real' := xFld2)
9 replies
You have to remember that select statements always return an array. So for the first one you need to do a few things:
let xDoc := first(select 'DOCUMENTOS'); let xFld1 := xDoc.'Avance Plan'; let xFld2 := xDoc.'Avance Real'; let i := (create AVANCES_PROY); i.('Avance Plan' := xFld1); i.('Avance Real' := xFld2)
You first need to put line 1 into a variable.
Then you need to tell Ninox that you want either the first or last record selected. You current statement has you selecting the entire Documentos table so you will need to be a bit more specific. Or just use the first or last array command.
Then in lines 2 and 3 you can use the new variable from line 1 to tell Ninox where to get the fields 'Avance Plan' and 'Avance Real'.
I would recommend using this way as you only do 1 select statement. The 2nd method does two so it is not efficient.
Excelent explanation Fred Thank you.
I'm thinking of something to see if it work for me, I'll tell you.
Hi Fred
OK I send you a workDB
1 Now the table AVANCES_PROYECTO has no information. (Please view the table)
2 Theare No FechasR in Table DOCUMENTOS only there FechasP (Plan Dates)
3 On the Table FECHACORTE I create a Red Button with a Formula. (View the Formula)
4 I have 8 CutOff Dates
11 Mach, 18 Marh, 25 March, 1 April, 8 April, 15 April, 22 April and 29 April
5 Do the following
On 11 March press the Red Button and Si repeat that for 18 March 25 March 1 April ........
6 Now go to AVANCES_PROYECTOS now I have generate the %Plan and the Curve Plan for each Dates and the Curve Plan.
Work. The best options for now yes, but need for best result no one by one, with only one click generate the 8 Dates. Remember there are Proyecto with much more than 8 weeks.
I think now the Tabla Tablero not need because the graphis is on the AVANCES_PROYECTO.
You can help with that.
To do a series of dates you need the for loop command. Which means you need an array of the dates you want to create records for. One way is to create the array in the formula. I've done it another by creating a table that stores the dates you need, I called it dates. You had a table of dates in a previous version. I find the table method easier to manage as I can easily see the dates.
Then you just modify the button to include the for loop command and the bit about changing the DataDate in the FlecaCorte table so it can show up properly in Documentos. And it all works.
Give it a try and let me know if that is what you needed.
Fred Works
excelent better imposible, that generate my initial setup project in excelent way
I have a lot of work in this DB, I take one or two days to Document that.
Thank a lot for all your help. Without your help I would no have gotten to where I'm
easy to View the progress for each Disciplines and View the SPI (Schedule Perfomance Index).
For now the only problem is the 0 Value on graphics. I hope Ninox resolve that.
with the Gantt Chart by Documents and grouped by Disciplines. Take the FechaP1 and Fecha P5 for each Documentos Start and Finish
These are any way to change the color bar ?
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