Where are my "Cloud" databases???

Hi all.

Using the Mac desktop app, version 3.4.8

I have several databases which were coded as "in the cloud".  However, when I look at my iCloud Drive, I don't see them.  Where could they be???

4 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    iCloud and cloud are two different things. You can not see your dbs very easily if you saved it locally/iCloud.

    Is there a reason you need to see the files?

      • M_ichel.1
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       Hi.  Thanks for the response.

      Is there a reason you need to see the files?

       Yes!!!  I needed to share a Ninox database which I had "coded" as "in the cloud" (whatever that means (!) with someone.  I opened my iCoud Drive and looked frantically all over it and could never find that database...  (Yet, this is something I routinely do with Numbers spreadsheets!)

      When I create a Ninox database and "code" it as "in the cloud", does that not mean that it's going to be stored in my iCloud Drive???  That's what I thought it meant (and the  purpose of that is so it can be shared with my other devices, all connected via the same iCloud profile...)

      Now, I am totally confused!!!

      (As far as "local" databases, the ones not encoded "in the cloud", I know where they are in my Library/etc...)

      Can you clarify this for me?  Or point me in the direction of the answer?  (I checked the documentation, looking for "share", but got totally unrelated answers...)

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view
    When I create a Ninox database and "code" it as "in the cloud", does that not mean that it's going to be stored in my iCloud Drive???  That's what I thought it meant (and the  purpose of that is so it can be shared with my other devices, all connected via the same iCloud profile...)

    Just to clarify. In the MacOS app, there are two, three if you have an active Ninox subscription, places you can store your DB files. One is locally on the computers hard drive. Which means only that one computer can use it. Two is in your iCloud folder. Which means you can access your DBs on any device that has the Ninox app and has the same iCloud account.

    Ninox has chosen to save your DBs that are stored on a iCloud folder in a way that is not visible to the end user through the Finder. You have to access it through the Ninox app.

    So how do you get a copy of it to send to others, like posting on this forum?

    The way to do it is to Export your DB to a Ninox file.

    1. open your DB
    2. turn on Admin mode
    3. select the name of DB
    4. select Table menu
    5. select Export Data
    6. select Ninox
    7. click on Save as
    8. give it a name and a location then click on Save

    Now you have a copy of your DB to share.

    • M_ichel.1
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Fred.

    Ninox has chosen to save your DBs that are stored on a iCloud folder in a way that is not visible to the end user through the Finder. You have to access it through the Ninox app.

     Ok, ok.  I get that.

    Thanks for the explanation.

    In the meantime, while looking around, I noticed the "Archive" function.  I guess that would also be one way of sharing a Ninox db with another Ninox user.

    Well...  Thank you for clarifying this.