Duplicate and Link New Data Entry from One Table to Another

I know this might be a dumb question but I am really new to Ninox so I help someone would be patient enough to read this.

I have 2 tables, Product Masterfile and New Products.

Whenever I input a new product data on "New Products" I want to create a new entry on "Product Masterfile" that contains some of the data that I input on the new row/product from "New Products" (ie. Barcode Number, Size, Price). Further, I want to link both rows such that if I change a column entry on "Product Masterfile" it would also reflect on "New Products" and vice versa.

Is this doable on Ninox? How would I code this?

Also, does this apply to dropdown menus and multiple choices? (ie. Yes/No choices)?

Thank you so much to anyone who can help!

1 reply

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Yes very doable

    in simple terms you can use a scrip to copy x number of fields over to the other table record

    I would suggest you look at some of the tutorial videos on this forum and espescially at Andy's videosfrom Nioxus on youtube

    However as a guide only! - the following code I trigger from a button (but it could be triggered form the form itself etc.)

    let xCurrRec := Id;
    let xNewSupplier := Supplier2;
    let xNewPCost := 'Print Cost';
    let xNewSCost := 'Screen Cost';
    let xNewDCost := 'Del Cost';
    let i := (create JobBagCosts);
    i.(Supplier := xNewSupplier);
    i.(PrintCost := xNewPCost);
    i.(ScreenCost := xNewSCost);
    i.(DeliveryCost := xNewDCost);
    i.(JobDockets := xCurrRec);

    What this does is

    Gets the record id ....let xCurrRec := Id;

    Creates some variables ie XNewSupplier an stores the current supplier field data into that that variable...etc let xNewSupplier := Supplier2;

    creates a new record in JobBagCosts with .....  let i := (create JobBagCosts);

    writes a field entry into the  record   i.(Supplier := xNewSupplier);