Google and Ninox calendar doubts
Good morning,
I have been trying to synchronize events created in ninox with the google calendar for some time. Unfortunately, the best I have been able to do is to create an .ics file that is sent via email to the calendar email address in which it is to be inserted. All this at the push of a button. If anyone needs it, this is the code:
createTextFile(this, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
UID:event-" + Evento + 'Nr. persone' + "persone" + ".ics
SUMMARY:" + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + ":" + " " + 'Nr. Montatori' + " " + concat(Persone.Personale.'Nome / Impresa') + "
DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:" + format('Inizio montaggio', "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss") + "
DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:" + format('Fine montaggio', "YYYYMMDD") + "
LOCATION:" + Fiera.'Nome struttura' + "
DESCRIPTION:" + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + " " + "-" + 'Nr. Montatori' + ":" + " " + concat(Persone.Personale.'Nome intero') + "
END:VCALENDAR", "event-" + Evento + ".ics");
let result := dialog("Ciao", "Vuoi aggiungere la fase di " + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + " al calendario?", ["Si", "No"]);
if result = "Si" then
let filetosend := file(this, "event-" + Evento + ".ics");
let emailText := "Ciao,
<br><br>abbiamo aggiunto il seguente evento al tuo calendario:<br><br>Evento: <b>" + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + "</b><br>Starting: <b>" + 'Inizio montaggio' + "</b><br>Ending: <b>" + 'Fine montaggio' + "</b><br><br>" + Evento.Evento + "-" + Evento.Edizione;
Evento.Edizione + "<br><br><br>";
from: "info@******.bz",
to: "********",
subject: 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento,
text: text(emailText),
html: emailText,
attachments: filetosend
The problem is that the attached file must be opened manually and added to the Google calendar. It is not imported automatically, although I have it set up on google to accept automatically all invitations. Instead, I need it to be automatically imported into the calendar.
I had a doubt:
1) Isn't that the event is not automatically imported because my email address associated with Ninox is not Google?
2) is this why the Ninox calendar does not allow me to create events in the Google calendar?
3) Have any of you associated a Gmail address with Ninox and can you tell me if the Ninox calendar, in this case, synchronizes with the Google calendar?
I hope to get help from someone
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 498Views