Why do I not find the Share view?
I use Ninox on my Mac. I have an annual suscription and I run it also on my other computer and my iPad. I have seen on the manual that if you click where Edit fields there are several options: edit fields, update, import... and SHARE THIS VIEW. However I have not that item. I have just 5 options and the option SHARE THIS VIEW IS HIDDEN. Why? I use Ninox for my students and lessons.
15 replies
It is because your are not hosting this database on a Ninox Cloud hosted team. Here is what you see when it is a local database
Here is a Ninox Cloud hosted team..
And what you see to "share" this view.
Hope that thelps.
THANKS for your quick answer: how do I move my databases to the cloud?
Do you have a Ninox cloud subscription ?
https://ninox.com/en/pricing -
Yes, I have paying suscription. But as far as I see my databases seem hosted in iCloud because I work on a Mac
I generally create one team per client / project.. Then work from there. Sometimes the client creates the team and invites me.
I forgot to mention that you can then work on your database as you always have using your Mac application .. The database will be both local on your Mac .. and sync'ed to the Ninox Team.
Solved: I moved my database to a team. That was the problem.
Second thing: I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box.
Solved: I moved my database to a team. That was the problem.
Second thing: I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box.
Solved: I moved my database to a team. That was the problem.
Second thing: I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box.
Solved: I moved my database to a team. That was the problem.
Second thing: I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box.
Solved: I moved my database to a team. That was the problem.
Second thing: I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box.
Solved: I moved my database to a team. That was the problem.
Second thing: I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box.
I am not sure what this means.. "I have a button to send emails but all the receivers receive them in the undesired box. "
What button? What "undesired box" ?? -
I didn´t explain properly. Sorry. What I meant is that everytime I click on the email button, the receiver receives the email in the spam box. Even me.
No worries.. I am still a bit confused as to what "email button".. Is it the "invite" in the teams or some other?
If the email goes into the users SPAM.. then they need to include ninox.com in their non-spam fitler.
A picture / screen shot from you may help.
Keep "Ninox-ing" .. it is a great platform!
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 15Replies
- 1283Views