Reference table Child/Master setup

Hi all,


I'm trying to create a database that lists document numbers and their application documents. I accomplished this in Access but I was hoping for a more mobile database. First time using Ninox and maybe I'm just having a brain fart.


In access I have 2 tables. The main table is Documents and the sub-table is ApplDocs.


I want to put in the document#/info in the Documents table and then in a sub table, Applicable Documents, select multiple entries from the Documents list. 


So say I have the following entered in the Documents table:







I click on 156878 and in the Applicable Documents sub table, I select 156898 and 201568 because they are related to this document. 


In Access I would set up the Applicable Documents table with a column for the ID of the Documents record so the two are linked and then did a Combobox/lookup field to select whatever records I wanted to add from the Documents table. I'm stuck on how to set up my Applicable Documents table. 

1 reply

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there -

    Did you ever figure this out?

    If I'm reading your correctly, records in the Documents table can be link to other records in the same table? That is very interesting. Wouldn't there be some other characteristic that links differentiates them? I guess you can a table called People then another table called Parent-Child, then you would select who the Parent is from the People table and who the Child is. Is that similar?