Dynamic create table reference

let a := 'Show Time';
for i in select USA do
i.('Show Time' := a)

I want to create a template table so the table selected (country name) in the code above will be selected by a dropdown in another table. what syntex do I use in Ninox to set the table selection in the code from a linked table. thanks

9 replies

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Please provide your table and column names.

    • Mconneen
    • 4 yrs ago
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    That is an interesting use case.    Let me see if I understand your use case.   You want to have a table called USA and table called Mexico ... You want to have a dropdown that has the values USA and Mexico in it.    You then want to have a select something that uses the value of the dropdown as the source table?

    for i in select text(dropdown) do 




    While there are functions that take a table name as a string (aka openTable) ... and you can refer to a specific table name... and you can use a specific table name in a function reference to pass a ROW of that table into a function... 

    I do not see that you can set a variable reference to a table name. 



    One approach would be to have a table called ShowTimes .. and it has a column .. Country .. and Country is a dropdown of USA or Mexico (or whatever)..   THEN .. you can have your master form that has a similar dropdown and do your select something like. 

    let t:=this;

    for i in select ShowTimes[text(Country) = text(t.Country)] do 



    *** disclaimer.. untested code.. but you should get the idea ***

    • wynand
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Gents.

    let me try explain better.

    let a := 'Show Time';
    for i in select Template do
    i.('Show Time' := a)

    The table is called Template, which will be used for a new country. So when I want a new country table for say the USA. I use the template. All the formulas within the template that use select template now needs to change to select USA. SO i thought that in the place of select template have a syntext that says select (value  from dropdown, in this case USA) which reprsent the new name of the table which is the country. thanks

    • Mconneen
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Sorry.. I am not following. :( 

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    What wynand want is to use a variable in a select statement like in the example below (which does not work btw)

    let Var1:= "Table1";
    for i in select Var1 do
    (some code)

    I already asked this in the German Forum also and it is not possible, Table and field names cannot be addressed via variables. 

    In my opinion this could be a CR.


    • Mconneen
    • 4 yrs ago
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    That is what I thought (see prior post) .. but his "Template" example confused me.   While I suspect that there are use cases to pass a table as a reference string (ala openTable) ...  I struggle with his use case, which can simply be satisfied by adding a reference to Country to the source table.    USA showtimes might be M/W/F 8:00 AM CT.. while German (DE) showtimes might be M/W/F noon..   or something like that. 

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I may not be following. Is the issue not being able to use a variable? If the template table has a Choice field with the country names. Then you can access the current country name from within another table using a formula field and then use that formular field instead of a variable.

    • wynand
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for the effort gents. Let me ask the question differently. I a creating a template table and the table names when the template is used will change to a country name. I duplicate the template as a country, say the table name now is USA, all the select formulas in table USA still select template instead of USA as it should now. How do I replace the references to table template to table USA, I proposed a dropdown of names of countries as a way and want to know what the syntax is for this instead of hardcoding the country name by having to replace template for USA in each formula.