Two questions: All View and Imports

I'm trying to import data into a new database from an old one.

I first tried to Export data from the old database, but this only seems to export the view you're currently on. As such, many records are missing.

As i mistakenly deleted my All View, i thought about recreating it, but is adding fields one by one the only way you cn do this? The particular table i want to export has a lot of fields in it, so adding them one by one in the right order would mean doing a lot of work where you have to pay close attention.

So i then thought of Importing from the new database, using the Ninox import, but you can't import unless you import the data model as well, which i don't want: i just want the data.

When i try to import using the data model, it totally stuffs up the format of my new database.

So i'm at a loss. Is there a way to quickly create an All View without having to manually add fields, or is there some other fast and reliable way i can export/import my data?

6 replies

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    A new Ninox table defaults to showing 7 columns in table view. As you mention, you would have to add the other columns to the view (by clicking a column header), prior to importing or exporting. How many columns does your table have? If you have a large number of columns, you might be better off normalizing your data into two or more tables: https://www.guru99.com/database-normalization.html

    It would be nice if Ninox allowed columns to be added to a new table on the fly, based on the first row of a csv file. However, then there would be the issue of how to determine data types such as dates vs text vs numbers.

    • Rico
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for your answer, Dean, and the link to the article on normalization. Yes, if i only had 7 columns it would be a breeze! I have more than 80 fields.

    I'll have a look through the article, and see whether normalization is practical. I actually wanted to create more tables in the first place, but as i was new to Ninox, was a bit confused, i just created one big main table (i have 3).

    • profwilson556
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I was facing the same problem- the technical gliche the above thread consisted of. Using the Ninox table can turn out to be a difficult and compliacted at times. But thabks to Dean that you resolved my problem and I will also convey this solution to [url=https://penmypaper.com/]my paper writer[/url] who is writing my academic paper on similar topic. 

    • profwilson556
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I was facing the same problem- the technical gliche the above thread consisted of. Using the Ninox table can turn out to be a difficult and compliacted at times. But thabks to Dean that you resolved my problem and I will also convey this solution to my paper writer  from https://penmypaper.com/ who is writing my academic paper on similar topic.

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    I don't know if you continued to add data after you deleted the view. But you could have done a restore! at that point

    if you want to export all dat from a view then that view needs to show all the data.

    • Jane_Wood
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You should hire a Data Administrator maybe because it's a kinda technical thing and I don't think that here general users will help you. Instead of getting remotes copied, I'm gonna on a vacation now.