Filtering on Summed Value

I am currently using the Ninox Database to store inventory and store their locations in the warehouse.

I have a transaction table that stores inventory purchases in (with positive value) values and inventory sales (with negative quantity) value.

I want to have a view where I only see items and locations that have inventory (qty > 0).

So I created a view where I sum all transactions grouped by item. If I have run out of an item the sum of the quantities = 0. 

But when I tried applying a filter on the SUM of the quantities, what appears to be happening is that is filters out each individual transaction with a negative value and doesn't return the correct inventory. It filters out all the sales.


This is how I have the filter setup. But I think I need a way to filter on the sum of that group?

Thank You



1 reply

    • Customer Service Ninox
    • Maria_pasini
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Ivan,
    Depending on by what you're grouping the records, you may need to do this sum and filter in another table:
    For example: if you are grouping Projects by Clients, you could put the total sum in the 'Clients' Table and filter it there.

    If that doesn't help you, you are welcome to send us an email at support@ninox.com or schedule a meeting with the support team with the link https://ninox.com/en/support