Button to send mail and attachment PDF
Hi at everyone,
I’m using this code in a button to send mail with text and the record in pdf as attachments, the problem is Ninox follow like charge and not working, I have a basic account, any suggestion?
let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "Print Layout Name");
let myName := "Name of file.pdf";
importFile(this, myPdf, myName);
let myEmail := userEmail(user());
from: "test@email.com",
to: "test@email.com",
cc: "test@email.com",
subject: "Here's a lead please follow up on " + 'Company Name',
text: "Please contact Lead attached" + Status,
html: "<h1>Here's a lead please follow up</h1><i>Please contact Lead attached </i>",
attachments: file(this, myName)
Thanks a lot
33 replies
Hi Dean, you rewrote it with
let message :=
how does that help?
Hi Halio,
You could have a situation where you do not know why an email failed. The information assigned from the sendEmail to the message variable might tell you why the email failed. When nothing is returned it seems like the emails are sent. However, I am not sure if that is always true.
This is great info. I wouldn't be so sure that no error message means "sent" as there are steps along the way the function sendEmail() can not know.
How is Ninox able to send an email using a user's email address without requiring authorization parameters like the user's smtp server name and password?
Does a user's rights have any impact on sending emails? Does it matter if the email address that is used to send the email is for a: owner, administrator, edit-only? Can a user send a email using another user's email address?
The "from:" address must be a member of the team.
Ninox sends via its own mail server.Birger
Good morning.
I'd like to send mails with text and the record in pdf as attachments directly by app Ninox. I have subscription to Ninox Cloud.
How do I do this?
I'm italian e I prefer speak italian.
Thank you very very much
Buon Pomeriggio
Thats an easey question but requires quite an involved answer.
Have alook at this video. This should get you started
so you can create your button and send add smtp email.
Once your on top of this and have your basic script done, we can tell you how to add links for text letters/attachements etc.
Ciao Mel
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 33Replies
- 12635Views