Copy subtable with button

Good morning, everyone,

I have a subtable called "Addition of products to workshop BL work" which is composed of 2 fields: "product description" and "quantity". I would like with a button to create a copy on another subtable which will be composed of the same fields.

1 reply

    • Jorg
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    You can do it with a formula like the following in the button: 


    let myProd := 'product description';
    let myQuan := quantity;
    let myMain := 'Addition of products to workshop BL work';
    let new := (create '3_Verkauf');
    new.('Addition of products to workshop BL work' := myMain);
    new.('product description' := myProd);
    new.(quantity := myQuan)


    Kind regards, Jörg