maximum user roles


Just new on Ninox and liking it so far! 

I was wondering how to do the following:

We have a table 'inventory' where the complete inventory of our headquarters is located (industrial kitchen). So ingredients, but also finished goods.

now we are going to expand through franchise.

Some inventory products are available for ordering by franchisees (finished goods), some are not (ingredients).

some ingredients are also 'finished goods', like cans of soda.

I want to maintain one list of products available for ordering via adding or deleting.

Franchisees can only see what they order themselves.


I thought:

reference the inventory table from the 'ordering' table, and add items who are available for ordering.

create one column per franchisee, and one role per franchisee. Display only their column for ordering.

So Is there a maximum on roles & views, so that everyone has their own view and column of the same table.

We as supplier have an overview of all products ordered by summing all the order amounts of every product.


Or is there a better way to do this?


Thanks in advance!!



9 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
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    Just my 2 cents, about your Inventory, may I suggest a Sales Catalog,or any appropriate name, table. This new table would be what your franchisees or any other client would see. You can add finished goods or ingredients, you can then add fields to this table that would be appropriate to track/sort/show to outward facing people that wouldn't be appropriate in your Inventory table.

    Robbie said:
    create one column per franchisee, and one role per franchisee. Display only their column for ordering.

    I'm not sure what table you are referencing when you talk about creating a field (column) for each franchisee.

    Tracking similar data with multiple fields is not the best use of a relational DB. This method means you have to create a new field for each new franchisee, we hope that you will have hundreds, thousands in the future. Once you start thinking that you need a field1 and field2 then you should think about a sub table.

    So you will be creating Ninox accounts for franchisees?

    I've seen DBs that create a control table. This is where they track users by email address, as that is what Ninox would pass along. Then you can create fields that categorize users into groups then you can reference this table to do security.

    Nioxus has many videos and templates on security in Ninox, but they are behind a pay wall (understandable). You can watch the videos with the Basic plan but to get the templates you need the Standard plan.

    • Alan_Cooke
    • 1 yr ago
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    Is there any reason why you could not build the DB and then replicate that for each Franchise which from a Ninox perspective would be a Team.  That way Franchisee A could never be privy to Franchisee B etc.  Only negative (probably more) would be that and DB mods would have to be done for each Team DB.  That being said though perhaps Gitnox could solve that problem.  Directly approaching Gitnox would answer that question.  Or someone here who is Gitnox savvy.

    • Robbie_vh
    • 1 yr ago
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    Thanks Fred & Alan,

    Fred yes every franchisee will be a paid Ninox user if that's needed. As far as a sales table, I could make this and let them add products from a 'order able products' table which is a subtable of the complete inventory.

    like: inventory table -> order able products table -> sales table

    a sales order will be 1 row in the sales table, where they can add products from the order able products table (unfortunately this 'create record' flow is very slow to use in Ninox, its not like I click on the field, start typing and an auto search comes up where products can be selected. That's why I liked the idea of already having all products in the table and a number field next to it for ordering amounts)

    Then I would have to create something that they only can view their own 'purchase' rows .

    Thanks voor the Nioxus tip, I'll check this out right away!


    Alan Cooke thanks for the tip Alan. You are exactly right why I prefer not to use this. If I add a product I would have to do it for every table. Because customers all have their own table in this case.

    I don't know who Gitnox is but I'll look him up!


    Thanks again Fred & Alan!

    • Robbie_vh
    • 1 yr ago
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    Fred Alan Cooke

    This is how I thought it should work (see image).

    Except what are the maximal different views possible. And the maximum roles...

    • Robbie_vh
    • 1 yr ago
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    I can use the display field settings, and then the user function to disable/enable visibility of the field. No need for user roles or views this way. 

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
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    Robbie said:
    I can use the display field settings, and then the user function to disable/enable visibility of the field. No need for user roles or views this way. 

     If you want to really control what users can see, then you should look into dashboards and think about taking over the entire process of entering data and viewing data. Users never see the raw data tables, which is what you really want as you can't trust users. That way you can do data validation, user security all before any data gets written to viewed.

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    You could add a subtable in your products-table where you add which franchisee can order that product. So only the products where they are in, they can order from. I would make an online shared view with only the items they can order per franchisee. It can be expanded also with a user(franchisee) login and password to get to the list online, but that would involve make.com If you want to know more, don't hesitate to contact me.

    • John_Halls
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Robbie

    I built something a year or so ago, just for interest, which had customers and suppliers, with sales orders and purchase orders, but the perspective changed depending on who was the logged-in user. So if you were my customer and I created a sales order, when you logged in you would see me as a supplier with the sales order showing up as a purchase order. It didn't rely on user roles at all, it all worked using contacts attached to the account and checking to see which account the logged-in user was linked to. Would something like this help?

    Regards John

    • Robbie_vh
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you all for replying! I think i have enough inspiration to make it great:-)

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