Problem N:1 Activity_Name
On Staff Hour table, I create Activity_Name (N:1 'Staff Hours' To Activitires) for select the Activity.
With the Add Register button add the info to ' History Hours' but no find the way to 'Activity_Name' place the Name, only place a number.
5 replies
Change the Show data as part of the reference field. It is under More Options.
transfer all less the Activitie_Name' only transfer the Number 3 no the Activity NameIt is probably because you are not pointing to a text field. The field 'Activity_Name' is a reference field. In 'History Hours' the field Activity is a text field. The code in your Add Register button is:
let me := this; let myA := Activity_Name; let newL := (create 'History Hours'); newL.( 'N1_Staff Hours' := me; 'Staff:' := me.'N1_Staff Project'.Name; 'DestID:' := me.ProdID; 'Hours:' := me.'Hours Weeks'; 'Week:_' := me.Week; 'Activity:' := me.Activity_Name );
So on line 10 you are telling Ninox to only copy the record Id to the field 'History Hours'.Activity. Maybe try the following change:
'Activity:' := myA.'Activity Name'
or if you want to use the me variable:
'Activity:' := me.Activity_Name.'Activity Name'
If you do use the me variable then you can get rid of the myA variable since you don't use it all.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
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