Is it possible to create a button that opens the corresponding table by inputting the table name?

Thank you everyone for your suggestions.  

2 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Sadly there is no direct way of doing that. The table names we assign are like domain names, they are just a front for the real name that is assigned by Ninox.

    If you create a new formula field and put this in:

    debugValueInfo(select tablename)

    you get something like:


    nid tells you that the record has table and record Id info. The A is the table name that Ninox knows.

    There is currently no way to typing in "A1" and having Ninox know that you mean table 'A', record 1 when you type it in.

    One way around this is to create a new choice field and a new button. In the choice field you would create a list of table names. Then in your button you could do something like:

    openTable(text('Select a Table'))

    The field 'Select a Table' is my choice field.

    Or you can create separate buttons that take you to each table?

    • gold_cat
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view