OpenURL and parameters being replaced
Hi, I am trying to pass two fields to a URL as parameters, then use a button to open that in a new browser window.
I have a formula to generate the following link which works correctly:{%22CustomerPhone%22:%225554443333%22,%22CustomerFirstName%22:%22Test%22}
Where (555) 444-3333 is the customer's formatted phone number, and Test is the customer's first name.
When I just paste that link in my browser using the real website, it works perfectly.
However, when I click the button in Ninox, I get this link:
Ninox is replacing { with %7B, % with %25, and } with %7D.
How do I fix this?
Here's my code:
Where Phone is stored as (123) 456-7890
let PhoneNoLParenth := replace(Phone, "(", null);
let PhoneNoLRParenth := replace(PhoneNoLParenth, ")", null);
let PhoneNoSpace := replace(PhoneNoLRParenth, " ", null);
let UnformattedPhone := replace(PhoneNoSpace, "-", null);
let TextURL := "{%22CustomerPhone%22:%22" +
UnformattedPhone +
"%22&{%22CustomerFirstName%22:%22" +
'First Name' +
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