Search and select the most similar text
Hi, I need help to search and select a supplier in a table when I select a reference in another tab.
I have 3 tables:
one for suppliers
one that acts as a register
one for imports from another database.
What I am trying to do is that when I link an entry from the imports table to the registry, the supplier in the imports table is compared to the suppliers in the suppliers table and automatically selected in the registry table entry.
I made a video to show the situation and how I would like ninox to behave.
It is always difficult to explain but I hope I have been clear.
3 replies
In the table Registro:
The reference field AE - fatture ricevute is linked to which table?
The reference field Intestato a is linked to which table?
Can you upload a test version of your DB?
I noticed that the text present in the two fields is slightly different:
⁃ Denominazione fornitore contains 'Amazon EU S.a r.l., succursale Italiana';
⁃ Ragione sociale contains Amazon EU S.A.R.L succursale italiana.
So, assuming you standardize the text making it identical, try entering the following code in the table "Register" -> tab "Import", field "AE - invoices received" in Trigger after update:let me := this; 'Intestato a' := first(select 'Fornitori e clienti' where contains('Ragione sociale', me.'AE - fatture ricevute'.'Denominazione fornitore'))
If this is not what you wanted please post a copy (even without data) of your database as suggested so we can better support you.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 144Views