End time MINUS start time = total time in hours and minutes. Then total time X hourly rate = $xxx.xx

What is the above called (calculation?) and can someone recommend a tutorial?

3 replies

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi John -


    Ninox time works in milliseconds. So if you have a start time fields and and an end time field, if you subtract start from end, Ninox will show you a time that makes sense to humans, but behind it is milliseconds.


    If you create a formula field and then put raw(endtime-starttime) you will see a big number.


    So what you need is another field that converts the milliseconds into hours. If you have a formula field that does the first part, let us call it HoursWorked, then your new formula field, we can call it ConvertHours, would need this in the formula part:


    number(HoursWorked / 3600000)<--the "number" command makes sure that Ninox converts it into a number not into time so we can use it later


    There are 3,600,000 milliseconds in an hour. Then you can use ConvertHours in your pay formula:


    ConvertHours * HRate


    Let us know how if this helps.

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    On the tutorial part? Nixous has some good videos on YouTube.


    There is a generic timesheet DB that you can look at. If you create a new DB you can select some Ninox template DBs and Timesheet is one of them.

    • Ask_The_Dog_Guy
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Fred, I'll look for that template. I need to be able to visually see how to structure the 'calculation' in the Formulae field. Hopefully, the template will help with that.

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