Table References and Relations

Please provide a little more detail for your Person, Company, Employee example. What I specifically need is what you have to put in each table to tie them together, since what I have been guessing is not working.

Danke sehr!

55 replies

    • Adriaan
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    Thanks Frank!
    • mklass
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am a very new Ninox user attempting to migrate from Alpha Five.

    I am having a devil of a time creating a link between two existing tables. One is lenses ( as in camera lenses) and the other is filters. I cannot figure out how to link teh two together based on the size of each filter. Lenses has a field called filter size. Filters has a field called size.

    I can't even get to the point of selecting filters as teh table to link.

    • elsien57
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I want to use an enterable constant in a table. I am tracking weight loss and want to calculate BMI for each weight. Obviously height doesn’t change (at least not for most adults). To use this for multiple people, height must be entered. It is a nuisance to have to enter for each weight entry.
    • Frank_Bohmer
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi elsien57,

    the best way would be to have tow tables:
    a) Person
    b) Weight
    and then create a reference from weight to Person.
    In the Person table you would have a field for height and in the weight table a field for the actual weight and e.g. a date field.

    • Birger_H
    • 6 yrs ago
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    If you could send me (support@ninoxdb.de) a copy of the Ninox database you are working on (Main menu -> "Save Archvie as...") I'm sure that I can find a solution to your problem.

    Birger - Ninox Support
    • mklass
    • 6 yrs ago
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    How do I send it to you?
    • Birger_H
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Send to support@ninoxdb.de

    Birger - Ninox Support
    • purposedestiny
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am a total novice at this. I used to have a Access db that was created for me, but ever since I purchased a Mac I have been unable to use it and have been using Excel which has been tedious, to say the least. I was told that Ninox was compatible with Access and easy to use. Keyword being easy. I want to create a database for my church. I want to be able to capture members info; member contributions i.e. tithes, offerings, missions. I've started my database using one of the templates to enter the members contact information, but how do I 1. add a fields to that form to capture membership and/or visitor; 2. if they serve in a particular department (such as choir, security or trustee); finally 3: how do I use the invoice template or create a table that captures the contributions portion and then link them to the contact table.
    • dewittejacques
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi there,
    Talking about the iPhone App:
    I do not find how to create subtables (so called "composition relationship" in your doc here).
    In the MacOs version it is easy to "add a subtable" when activating the "spanner/wrench icon button" wihich turns to red color.
    And also, if I buid a database with tables including subtables in the MacOs app, and then save them and send them to my iPhone by email, when clicking on the back-up it automaticaly opens in the iPhone Ninox app and then I can see the corresponding subtable type fields : they have a black LEFT ARROW at the left side of the field name.
    But I can't create any new subtable within the Ios App…
    Is it possible, or not ?
    Thanks for this very clever Ninox Database apps !
    and thanks also for your help
    • hugocentrique
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hello, I'm trying to implement a "tagging" system for some music that I'm composing. I have a table called "song", and I wish to be able to add (multiple) tags to songs from the form (i.e.: Song#1 has "piano, smooth, WIP", Song#2 has "piano, upbeat"). Is that possible? I know I can use the multiple choice field, but then each time I want to use a new tag I have to edit the field... And using the references, I can only assign one tag from my "tag" table to each song... is there any way to accomplish that?
    • Birger_H
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    You'll need something like this:

    Birger - Ninox Support
    • Leonid_Semik
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    Hi hugocentrique,

    Here is an example of multiple tagging


    • hugocentrique
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    Hey! Thanks a lot Leo! I think I wouldn't have figured it out myself.

    Just a question (for my own understanding): why the 'HIDDEN TABLE'?

    • Leonid_Semik
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Without the "HIDDEN TABLE" table, the field "ADD TAG" is displayed with magnifying glass and plus. And with "HIDDEN TABLE" only the magnifying glass are visible. Disadvantage: the table "TAGS" is also invisible, therefore the button "SHOW ALL TAGS"

    • Leonid_Semik
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I have found that my script only works properly in the web. If you are using the app, you should write the following formula in the field ADD TAG in the Constraints:
    cnt (b.SONGS. [SONG.Id = a.Id]) = 0

    • Alexander_Koenig
    • 6 yrs ago
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    on the iPhone App, it works the same way.

    Create a new table and then add field: Link.
    Link this to the previous table. To have composition go to the field settings of the link and activate "composition".

    Let me know if this helps.

    Best regards, Alex
    • jaacyea
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I need to register 10 different types of engines. Each of them has different number and type of fields but I want to register their access in the same table with a unique key. How can I implement it?
    • Birger_H
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Please send a mail to support@ninoxdb.de and include any details you have. Please include the Ninox Database you are working on.

    Birger - Ninox Support
    • GrünTAG
    • Christian_E_Larrea
    • 6 yrs ago
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    We are delighted using Ninox to manage our swimming classes business! One table are the parents, other the kids (sometimes they bring new kids in the future), other the appointments and finally the payments. I have successfully relate all of them except one feature: if I start from the appointment, choose a parent with ease, but when choosing the kid coming, it shows all the kids available instead of those related to its parent. I will want to choose from just her siblings. Any ideas?

    • Sakshi_Singh
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi Christian,

    Thank you for writing to Ninox. In the Appointment table, when you link the kids table- please use the below formula in "Constraint" field:

    a.Parents = b.Parents

    Ninox Support
    • Nick
    • 6 yrs ago
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    It's possible to have line numbers in child table for every parent record (called "portal rows" in other database system)?
    Example, for every Invoice, restarting line numbers for Invoice Items table.

    I tried with triggers, calculations, but no luck.

    Any ideas?

    • Sakshi_Singh
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi Nick,

    Please look through our existing "Invoice" template. The subtable "Invoice items" of the table "Invoice" has as a field "Item No" which has the line number for each line invoice item. Find the existing templates here,

    Sakshi- Ninox Support
    • Nick
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Thanks Sakshi
    • Laurent_Becard
    • 6 yrs ago
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    For my business, before creating an invoice I have to make a quote price so I've created a quote table with an item subtable (linked to my table services) and an invoice table. My problem is that I didn't find a way to display the items subtable in the invoice table (even if the quote table and the invoice table are related). Could you give me some help?
    Another request, is there a feature to create a customized invoice pdf for iPhone version?
    • Birger_H
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Please invite me ( support@ninoxdb.de ) to your team so I can have a look and fix your problem.

    Birger - Ninox Support

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