Guidance to build my first database



I“d like to build my first database in Ninox.

The goal is to manage a list of health practitioner activities (+ short and long description), specialties linked to each activity (a specialty can also apply to more than one activity), and benefits linked to each activity (a benefit can also apply to more than one sectors). I”ll need to manage that in 5 or 6 languages.

As I“m not familliar at all with databases, that would really helful if someone could provide me with some guidance/reccommandation of how to structure the table(s)/interface.


Many thanks for your help,


Example 1:

Activity: Yoga Instructor
Short description: Blablabla
Long description: Blablabla
Specialties: Nidra Yoga, Hata Yoka, Reiki Yoga, XYZ Yoga, etc. (can be up to 20 or 30 benefits)
Benefits: reduce stress, improve quality of sleep, etc. (can be up to 20 or 30 benefits)

+ translation in foreign languages

Example 2:

Activity: Massage Therapist
Short description: Blablabla
Long description: Blablabla
Specialties: Back Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Foot Massage, Thai Massage, Head massage, etc. (can be up to 20 or 30 benefits)
Benefits: reduce muscle tension, reduce stress, improve quality of sleep, stimulation of lymphatic system, etc. (can be up to 20 or 30 benefits)

+ translation in foreign languages

10 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Gregg,

    I made an example database where I“ve pulled all my tricks out of my sleeves, and maybe it”s a little overkill, but I think this is more what you want.

    You can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gilwd5vx7k84re8/Practitioner%20Activities.ninox?dl=0

    If the link doesn“t work it”s because this messy forum, you only have to copy the text of the link in the adress bar of the browser to make the link work.


    • Greg.1
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Wow, that“s great, thanks a lot! I”ll explore that and will get back to you if I have any questions. Thanks again!

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • Greg.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hey Steven, this is really amazing what you did. A HUGE thank you!

    I tested it and tried to understand what you did but I have a few questions/comments, if you could take a look when you get a chance pls. Comments are in this word doc: https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/a632cd4f-9901-4815-897b-1eb98bdd38e4

    have a great evening

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Gregg, Thanks for the heartening words.

    First I“ll let you play a little more to learn more about the database, but you need to know this:

    You have 3 MAIN Tables in my example: To start with: ”Activities“ with 2 Subtables(visible when clicked on the down-arrow) which are childeren of the Activities table containing the specialties and the benefits per activity. When pushed the button, you can select a Specialty or Benefit by clicking in the top field or on the magnifier glass, not on the + sign.The fields are updated after picking a possible Specialty/Benefit. They are also filtered so you can”t pich one you“ve already picked. To remove one, you click on the line and in the popup screen, you can click the waste bin to remove the entry.

    Another table Specialties where you can see all the possible specialties you want to use in your Activities,Specialties pick-list. In this list you can add more Specialties.This table is used as a collection of all the possible Specialties and contains the translations also.(You can see this as a list with all the values of the dropdown-list in your Activities table)

    Another table Benefits where you can see all the possible benefits you want to use in your Activities,Benefits pick-list. In this list you can add more Benefits.This is also used as a dropdownlist in your Activities table.

    So it”s best to populate these 2 tables first.

    To add English you can open the choice Field and add English and drag it to the top. Now you have to change all the text fields (and also the two View-elements near the buttons) which were only visible when nothing was selected in their Display field only, if - setting to text(Languages) = “English” (before it was: not text(Languages))

    (“I see that you created to buttons at the bottom of the screen (“Add existing record” and “Create record”). Do they have an other purpose than the button “Add specialty” ? (I’m not sure to understand the workflow)”)> I don“t see that screen in my database.

    Hope this helps.... Happy New Year!!!


    • Greg.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks Steven. Fair enough :) I“ll play a bit more with the tool.

    Just one last important question that you didn”t adress in your reply: what about the empty line created when clicking on “Add specialty” and closing the screen without entering anything?

    Tks and happy new year to you too!

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Waste-bin after clicking on the empty line ?

    • Greg.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks, it works but looks more like a workaround. Not a big deal, but if there“s a better way to handle that I”d love to hear it :)


    • Greg.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello, me again for an other question :)

    I“m getting more familliar with Ninox and managed to do a few things by myself, however I”m still struggling with the data import.

    I“d like to import new activities + the specialties and benefits linked to these activities via an excel/csv file. I tried to do that by selecting the table activities as well as the 3 children (specialty and benefit) but it doesn”t let me do that. I can only import 1 field (e.g. a list of specialties without the corresponding activity).

    What am I doing wrong?

    Many thanks,

    • Greg.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Data import resolved. I thought I could create new activities at the same time as importing their corresponding specialties, but it seems that it“s not the case. I have to import one file first to create the activities, and an other file to upload specialties.

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