Transfert !

Hello everyone !

Need some help... i've just bought the mac version with my professionnal email and i want to transfer, if it's possible, an ancient version created with a free app with a personna email. Thanks...

(Excuse my french)

2 replies

    • Raphael_Vieira_de_Matos
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    If I do understand the question properly, you need to go to your old account. Then, you should download the old database. Then, you should upload it to the new account. 


    Capture d’écran 2020-04-27 à 14.37.14

    • Cegep de jonquiere
    • James_Deraps.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Tu as la possibilité lorsque tu es administrateur d'exporter la base de donnée sur ton mac. Juste à côté de l'icone de la DB il y a un petit crochet en bleu. Clique dessus et le menu apparait.