How to sync between Ninox Contacts and Apple Contacts?
I was able to import my contacts from Apple's Contacts without difficulty. Is there is a way to sync between the Ninox Contacts database with Apple's Contacts app--so that any change in either is automatically reflected in the other? Without this kind of sync facility, the Ninox Contact database will have a very limited utility for me. I'd be grateful for any tips.
10 replies
if you are working with the Ninox Cloud and the Apple Contacts does support API integration it should be possible via API.
More information about the API integration you can find here:
Best, Jörg
Thanks, Jörg. I guess I'll give up on this. Even if I was working with Ninox Cloud (I am not presently), I am not skilled enough to try API integration on my own. I am a regular, average user who likes to use databases for some basic needs.
i'm interested too but i think i'm too novice right now to do that api thing all alone… true i'd like to link macos contacts to ninox contacts table…
maybe it is possible to write text to a file and export it as .vcf-File? Than something like this should be posible:
let txt := "BEGIN:VCARD
PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.14//EN
ADR;type=HOME;type=pref:;;Privatstrasse 3;Ort;;5400;Land
ADR;type=WORK:;;Firmastarsse 3;ort;;5400;Land
exportData(txt, "contactFile.vcf")
After export, one could import the file to the apple contact app on iOS or MacOS...
i've found (some time ago) 2 excellent apps from stefan keller : importer for contacts and exporter for contacts (on the mac app store) => take a look ; right now, what i'm still looking for would be some code that would sync apple contacts and ninox…
thanks for the idea Tobias
Thank you Laurent for your suggestions, but do you have any news about sync apple contact with ninox?
right now my best solution is :
- to use stefan keller 's exporter for contacts to transfer from contacts to ninox
- to use stefan keller 's importer for contacts to transfer from ninox to contacts
(importer for contacts is great because you can save the mapping of the fields…)
both little apps are very fast, with no bugs : they work !
the other solution would be to work with vcards ; i think marteen has worked on some ninox code to do that… marteen ?
the other solution would be to work with vcards ; i think marteen has worked on some ninox code to do that… marteen ?
i don't remember if it was in both directions (ninox -> contacts AND contacts -> ninox) ?
you also have tobias's example (see above) to go from ninox to contacts… (but the code needs to be worked out)
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
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