
How can change number to text. For example amount in invoice is 5000usd . I will see text too in down invoice. Five thousand dollars

70 replies

    • Nick
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Sean,

    take a look at the number settings:


    Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 18.59.04


    ...and more common for plural is Euros.


    Screenshots are from Mac app version of Ninox.



    • Nick
    • 5 yrs ago
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    ...and the Mac Settings:


    Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 21.44.36


    • Sean
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Nick, thanks for the screenshots. When I saw the system settings screenshot, I wanted to facepalm! It is a simple fix on these 2 lines:


    if contains(text(numAmount), ".") then
    let dpIndex := index(text(numAmount), ".");


    If you change "." to "," it should work correctly. I did change the system settings on my Mac and it tested correctly. The decimal separator just needs to be unique for the code to work as it is written.

    • Sean
    • 5 yrs ago
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    This is the complete formula. It checks for single and plural amounts and adds "and no cents" if there isn't any change. I'll post the same formula without the "and no cents" after this.


    let empty := "";
    let x := [empty, "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ", "Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine ", "Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ", "Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ", "Eighteen ", "Nineteen "];
    let y := [empty, empty, "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety "];
    "/*                       ";
    " * User defined functions";
    " */                      ";
    function mod(dividend : number,divisor : number) do
    dividend - divisor * floor(dividend / divisor)
    function numberToWord(num : number,suffix : text) do
    if floor(num) != 0 then
    if floor(num) > 19 then
    item(y, floor(num / 10)) + item(x, mod(num, 10)) + suffix
    item(x, num) + suffix
    "/*             ";
    " * Main program";
    " */            ";
    "// Number to be converted to words";
    let numAmount := Net;
    "// Test for number of digits";
    if length(format(floor(numAmount), "0")) < 11 then
    "// String to store word representation of given number";
    let NtW := "";
    "// This handles Cents";
    if contains(text(numAmount), ",") then
    let dpIndex := index(text(numAmount), ",");
    let numCents := number(substr(text(numAmount), dpIndex + 1, 2));
    if floor(numAmount) > 0 then NtW := "and " end;
    if numCents > 0 then
    if numCents > 1 then
    NtW := NtW + numberToWord(mod(numCents, 100), "Cents")
    NtW := NtW + numberToWord(mod(numCents, 100), "Cent")
    if floor(numAmount) > 0 then
    NtW := NtW + "no Cents"
    NtW := ""
    "// This code uses Euro for both singular and plural";
    "// if floor(numAmount) > 0 then NtW := Euro  + NtW end;";
    if floor(numAmount) > 0 then
    if floor(numAmount) > 1 then
    NtW := "Euros " + NtW
    NtW := "Euro " + NtW
    "// This handles digits at Ones and Tens place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount, 100), "") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at Hundreds place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digits at One Thousands and Ten Thousands place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000, 100), "Thousand ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at Hundred Thousands place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100000, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digits at One Millions and Ten Millions place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000000, 100), "Million ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at Hundred Millions place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100000000, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at One Billions place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000000000, 10), "Billion ") + NtW;
    "Number is too large"

    • Sean
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This just describes the whole Euro amounts without the "and no Cents".


    let empty := "";
    let x := [empty, "One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ", "Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine ", "Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ", "Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ", "Eighteen ", "Nineteen "];
    let y := [empty, empty, "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety "];
    "/*                       ";
    " * User defined functions";
    " */                      ";
    function mod(dividend : number,divisor : number) do
    dividend - divisor * floor(dividend / divisor)
    function numberToWord(num : number,suffix : text) do
    if floor(num) != 0 then
    if floor(num) > 19 then
    item(y, floor(num / 10)) + item(x, mod(num, 10)) + suffix
    item(x, num) + suffix
    "/*             ";
    " * Main program";
    " */            ";
    "// Number to be converted to words";
    let numAmount := Net;
    "// Test for number of digits";
    if length(format(floor(numAmount), "0")) < 11 then
    "// String to store word representation of given number";
    let NtW := "";
    "// This handles Cents";
    if contains(text(numAmount), ",") then
    let dpIndex := index(text(numAmount), ",");
    let numCents := number(substr(text(numAmount), dpIndex + 1, 2));
    if floor(numAmount) > 0 then NtW := "and " end;
    if numCents > 0 then
    if numCents > 1 then
    NtW := NtW + numberToWord(mod(numCents, 100), "Cents")
    NtW := NtW + numberToWord(mod(numCents, 100), "Cent")
    NtW := ""
    "// This code uses Euro for both singular and plural";
    "// if floor(numAmount) > 0 then NtW := Euro  + NtW end;";
    if floor(numAmount) > 0 then
    if floor(numAmount) > 1 then
    NtW := "Euros " + NtW
    NtW := "Euro " + NtW
    "// This handles digits at Ones and Tens place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount, 100), "") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at Hundreds place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digits at One Thousands and Ten Thousands place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000, 100), "Thousand ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at Hundred Thousands place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100000, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digits at One Millions and Ten Millions place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000000, 100), "Million ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at Hundred Millions place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100000000, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
    "// This handles digit at One Billions place";
    NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000000000, 10), "Billion ") + NtW;
    "Number is too large"

    • Nick
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Sean, I think you did it!

    It tested correctly.


    Again, thanks a million!



    • Sean
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Nick, you're welcome. There is another simple change that can expand it's usefulness if you use multiple currencies. Create a table for currencies like this:


    Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 8.18.42 AM


    Create a link in any tables where you would want to use the formula and change the code like this.


    Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 8.22.49 AM



    • Sean
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Penny won't work correctly as it is now. Here is a link to a List of Circulating Currencies:



    • Olivier_BARBOT
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Thank you very much Sean for this code that works very well.

    But in French, it is just a bit different :

    - You don't say "One Hundred" but you say "hundred", but you say "Two Hundred", "Three Hundred"...

    - it is the same for "One Thousand" that you say "Thousand", but it's OK for "One Million" or "One Billion"

    - the most difficult, in french, is "Seventy", that you say as "Sixty-Ten", "Seventy One" that you say "Sixty Elven"... "Eighty" is ok, but you say "Ninety"  as "Eighty-ten", and "Ninety Nine" as "Ninety-Nineteen".

    I'm sorry to speack french, but do you think you can find a way to solve those problems ?



    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I assume you meant "Eighty-Nineteen" for "Ninety Nine". I found this, http://www.frenchtutorial.com/en/learn-french/counting/70-99, is it what you want?


    It will take me a while to make the time to wrap my head around it.

    • blackie
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Wow. French counting is crazy.

    Eighty in French is quatre-vingts. 

    quatre-vingts In English is four-twentys 

    Eighty one is quatre-vingt-un

    80 blaze it

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    🤣 My wife heard me chuckling and she wanted to know what was up. It wasn't until I explained the background of this thread that I caught the four-twentys reference! 🙄😂

    • Olivier_BARBOT
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Yes, that's what I mean... "Eighty-Nineteen" for "Ninety Nine".

    • Olivier_BARBOT
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Well, I absolutely needed it in french, so I fiddled this formula (if anyone wants to simplify it, welcome !). Problems of french spelling mistakes are normally ok,I think,because french is really hard with spelling numbers.

    " ----------------------";
    " ----------------------";
    let x := ["zéro ", "un ", "deux ", "trois ", "quatre ", "cinq ", "six ", "sept ", "huit ", "neuf ", "dix ", "onze ", "douze ", "treize ", "quatorze ", "quinze ", "seize ", "dix-sept ", "dix-huit ", "dix-neuf ", "vingt ", "vingt et un ", "vingt-deux ", "vingt-trois ", "vingt-quatre ", "vingt-cinq ", "vingt-six ", "vingt-sept ", "vingt-huit ", "vingt-neuf ", "trente ", "trente et un ", "trente-deux ", "trente-trois ", "trente-quatre ", "trente-cinq ", "trente-six ", "trente-sept ", "trente-huit ", "trente-neuf ", "quarante ", "quarante et un ", "quarante-deux ", "quarante-trois ", "quarante-quatre ", "quarante-cinq ", "quarante-six ", "quarante-sept ", "quarante-huit ", "quarante-neuf ", "cinquante ", "cinquante et un ", "cinquante-deux ", "cinquante-trois ", "cinquante-quatre ", "cinquante-cinq ", "cinquante-six ", "cinquante-sept ", "cinquante-huit ", "cinquante-neuf ", "soixante ", "soixante et un ", "soixante-deux ", "soixante-trois ", "soixante-quatre ", "soixante-cinq ", "soixante-six ", "soixante-sept ", "soixante-huit ", "soixante-neuf ", "soixante-dix ", "soixante et onze ", "soixante-douze ", "soixante-treize ", "soixante-quatorze ", "soixante-quinze ", "soixante-seize ", "soixante-dix-sept ", "soixante-dix-huit ", "soixante-dix-neuf ", "quatre-vingt ", "quatre-vingt-un ", "quatre-vingt-deux ", "quatre-vingt-trois ", "quatre-vingt-quatre ", "quatre-vingt-cinq ", "quatre-vingt-six ", "quatre-vingt-sept ", "quatre-vingt-huit ", "quatre-vingt-neuf ", "quatre-vingt-dix ", "quatre-vingt-onze ", "quatre-vingt-douze ", "quatre-vingt-treize ", "quatre-vingt-quatorze ", "quatre-vingt-quinze ", "quatre-vingt-seize ", "quatre-vingt-dix-sept ", "quatre-vingt-dix-huit ", "quatre-vingt-dix-neuf "];
    " --------------------------";
    " - Centaine de milliards - ";
    " --------------------------";
    let nb_cent_mlrds := floor(En_chiffres / 100000000000);
    let cent_mlrds := nb_cent_mlrds * 100000000000;
    let l_cent_mlrds := if nb_cent_mlrds > 1 then
    item(x, nb_cent_mlrds)
    end + if nb_cent_mlrds > 0 then
    if En_chiffres = cent_mlrds and nb_cent_mlrds > 1 then
    "cents "
    "cent "
    " -------------------------";
    " - Dizaine de milliards - ";
    " -------------------------";
    let nb_diz_mlrds := floor((En_chiffres - cent_mlrds) / 1000000000);
    let diz_mlrds := nb_diz_mlrds * 1000000000;
    let l_diz_mlrds := if nb_diz_mlrds > 0 then
    if item(x, nb_diz_mlrds) = "quatre-vingt " then
    "quatre-vingts "
    item(x, nb_diz_mlrds)
    end + if nb_diz_mlrds > 0 or nb_cent_mlrds > 0 then
    if cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds = En_chiffres and nb_cent_mlrds * 100 + nb_diz_mlrds > 1 then
    "milliards d'"
    if cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds = En_chiffres then
    "milliard d'"
    if nb_cent_mlrds * 100 + nb_diz_mlrds > 1 then
    "milliards "
    "milliard "
    " --------------------------";
    " - centaines de millions - ";
    " --------------------------";
    let nb_cent_million := floor((En_chiffres - (cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds)) / 100000000);
    let cent_million := nb_cent_million * 100000000;
    let l_cent_million := if nb_cent_million > 1 then
    item(x, nb_cent_million)
    end + if nb_cent_million > 0 then
    if En_chiffres = cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million and nb_cent_million > 1 then
    "cents "
    "cent "
    " -------------------------";
    " - dizaines de millions - ";
    " -------------------------";
    let nb_diz_million := floor((En_chiffres - (cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million)) / 1000000);
    let diz_million := nb_diz_million * 1000000;
    let l_diz_million := if nb_diz_million > 0 then
    if item(x, nb_diz_million) = "quatre-vingt " then
    "quatre-vingts "
    item(x, nb_diz_million)
    end + if nb_diz_million > 0 or nb_cent_million > 0 then
    if cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million = En_chiffres and nb_cent_million * 100 + nb_diz_million > 1 then
    "millions d'"
    if cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million = En_chiffres then
    "million d'"
    if nb_cent_million * 100 + nb_diz_million > 1 then
    "millions "
    "million "
    " -----------------------";
    " - centaines de mille - ";
    " -----------------------";
    let nb_cent_mille := floor((En_chiffres - (cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million)) / 100000);
    let cent_mille := nb_cent_mille * 100000;
    let l_cent_mille := if nb_cent_mille > 1 then
    item(x, nb_cent_mille)
    end + if nb_cent_mille > 0 then "cent " end;
    " ----------------------";
    " - dizaines de mille - ";
    " ----------------------";
    let nb_diz_mille := floor((En_chiffres - (cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million + cent_mille)) / 1000);
    let diz_mille := nb_diz_mille * 1000;
    let l_diz_mille := if nb_diz_mille > 1 then
    item(x, nb_diz_mille)
    end + if nb_diz_mille > 0 or nb_cent_mille > 0 then
    "mille "
    " --------------";
    " - centaines - ";
    " --------------";
    let nb_cent := floor((En_chiffres - (cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million + cent_mille + diz_mille)) / 100);
    let centaine := nb_cent * 100;
    let l_centaine := if nb_cent > 1 then item(x, nb_cent) end + if nb_cent > 0 then
    if En_chiffres = cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million + cent_mille + diz_mille + centaine and centaine > 1 then
    "cents "
    "cent "
    " -------------";
    " - dizaines - ";
    " -------------";
    let nb_diz := floor(En_chiffres - (cent_mlrds + diz_mlrds + cent_million + diz_million + cent_mille + diz_mille + centaine));
    let dizaine := nb_diz;
    let l_dizaine := if nb_diz > 0 then
    if item(x, nb_diz) = "quatre-vingt " then
    "quatre-vingts "
    item(x, nb_diz)
    " --------------";
    " - décimales - ";
    " --------------";
    let decim := round(100 * (En_chiffres - floor(En_chiffres)), 0);
    let l_decimale := if floor(En_chiffres) > 1 then
    end + if decim > 0 then
    " et " + item(x, decim) + if decim > 1 then "cents" else "cent" end
    l_cent_mlrds + l_diz_mlrds + l_cent_million + l_diz_million + l_cent_mille + l_diz_mille + l_centaine + l_dizaine + l_decimale

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Olivier, well done. The only thing I would do differently is use the user-defined function and you can deleted the "void;". Glad you got it working. :)

    • Olivier_BARBOT
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Sean, I'm sorry but I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean with the user-defined function. I don't understant why "void" automatically appears.

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Olivier, In my code there is a user-defined function named numberToWord. By using a function, you can reduce repeated code, but the important thing here is you've got it working. I was able to delete "void" and it didn't reappear so my *guess* is there is a variable declared in your code that isn't used so "void" is inserted.

    • Olivier_BARBOT
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    OK, thank you Sean.

    I create a user-defined function, it's really easier too use in the DB.

    • Forza_Creativa
    • 5 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    100,000.00. Show as One Hundred Dollars, instead of one hundred thousand dollars, same with 200,000  and so on 900,000. I think the problem is somewhere in the numberToWord function any ideas ?

    • Forza_Creativa
    • 5 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    "// Number to be converted to words";
    let numAmount := Amount;
    "// Test for number of digits";
    if length(format(floor(numAmount), "0")) < 11 then
        "// String to store word representation of given number";
        let NtW := "";
        "// This handles Cents";
        if contains(text(numAmount), ".") then
            let dpIndex := index(text(numAmount), ".");
            NtW := "and " + substr(text(numAmount), dpIndex + 1, 2) + "/100 usd"
        "// This handles digits at Ones and Tens place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount, 100), "") + NtW;
        "// This handles digit at Hundreds place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
        "// This handles digits at One Thousands and Ten Thousands place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000, 100), "Thousand ") + NtW;
        "// This handles digit at Hundred Thousands place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100000, 10), "Hundred Thousand ") + NtW;
        "// This handles digits at One Millions and Ten Millions place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000000, 100), "Million ") + NtW;
        "// This handles digit at Hundred Millions place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 100000000, 10), "Hundred ") + NtW;
        "// This handles digit at One Billions place";
        NtW := numberToWord(mod(numAmount / 1000000000, 10), "Billion ") + NtW;
        "Number is too large"


    found the issue here is the corrected code

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