Is there a plan tot introduce "before create" and "before update" triggers


Will Ninox support "by create" and " after update" triggers. Is there a plan to introduce alse "before update" or/and " before create" triggers, that would be very helpfull.

I am a new user and I have experience with aPaaS BettyBlocks as cloud service in the Netherlands, they provide flowdiagrams with several triggers to manage and processing data. Unfortunally they made there pricemodel to expensive. For me a reson to switch to Ninox...:-)

Regards Arjan

1 reply

    • Support
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Arjan, 

    Ninox supports trigger "on create" and trigger "after update". Triggers "before update" or "before create" are not planned.

    Best, Jörg

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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