View that multiplies data from other two tables
Hello, I need to creat a doble entry table, or view I supose. I need to multiply the values in colum 5 of the first table times the values in colum 1 of the second table, creating a new colum for each "colum 5 x value in colum 1". And add the other information in the registries of the second table.
I add a third table that shos to what I whan to arrive. Sorry they are in spanish.
I would really apreciate some help here. Thanks!
4 replies
Is there a field that is the same value on each table? Sounds like you need to create a relationship between the tables.. Once the relationship is created, then you can use the value.
They are both child tables of a same parent. There isn´t a fild of the same value on each table, its kind of merging both tables. The first table is a recipie and the second table is how many times you do that recipie denpending on the size of cake you have to make and there for the mold you have to use.
Is there an "order" table ?? Or something that indicates you are making a Mucho Grande vs a Grande? Is that on the parent table?
The structure of the table is:
Assembly Productos
- Inventory Items
- Quantity
Inventory is where I have de raw materials for the recipy and is related to the childs inventory items and the child table Quantity is related to the Molds and Sizes tables
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 1655Views