Sending bulk emails

I am trying to modify and use the method described in Julian Kirkness's blog article "Sending Bulk Emails in Ninox". For anyone interested, the URL is https://www.onlinedatabase.expert/post/sending-bulk-emails-in-ninox?postId=5cd1989db532380015590a5c.  Thanks to Julian for a great article that helped me get started!

My email addresses are stored in my table Volunteers and I put this code behind the send button:

"this code loops through each volunteer whose status is active and sends them an email";
"the body of the email uses the replace function to substitute data from the datbase for the";
"placeholders in the template";
let thisList := (select Volunteers where Status = "Active");
let subject := 'Email Template'.'Subject Line';
let body := 'Email Template'.'Email Body';
for thisListPerson in thisList do
let thisBody := body;
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Informal Name}", thisListPerson.'Informal Name');
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{UserName}", userFullName());
from: userEmail(),
to: thisListPerson.email,
subject: subject,
text: " ",
html: thisBody
'Date / Time Sent' := now();
'Sent By' :=

Nothing happens when I press Send. I am new to coding in Ninox and wonder if someone more experienced can quickly see my error?

Also, how could I modify my HTML body to include a logo image at the foot of the HTML block? I read another post on this but didn't understand the solution. I have the logo on my computer, not currently stored in Ninox.

Thanks in advance for any help!

3 replies

    • Watch These Kids Bloom, Inc.
    • Jen
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I was able to get this working through trial and error. A few things I learned:

    1) When referring to a choice field in a select statement, try using the number equivalent of the textual choice, as in: where Status = 1 instead of where Status = "Active".

    2) Use a different email address in the from and the to fields. In this case I was sending to myself and it didn't work. Then I used an alternate email address of mine as the destination email address and finally the email message arrived.

    3) Images are easy - just do an internet search on images in html and go from there. If your email lands in your junk folder, however, as mine did, then the message may only display the path to the image instread of the image. Trying moving the message to your inbox and see the image appear.  

    This was a good learning exercise for me! Any comments or additional suggestions are welcome.

    • Allegra Marketing
    • Patel
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Are you using any kind of software to send massive emails at a time? If yes, which one?

    • Watch These Kids Bloom, Inc.
    • Jen
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    No I am not using any kind of software other than Ninox to send the emails. The list not "massive" - only a short one of about 15 people. If my sole purpose for the database was to send email, I think I would prefer using a software dedicated to bulk emails, but in this case the database is all about our organization's volunteers, and the ability to email them all was sort of an added feature. I have that feature working now and it's great that Ninox can do this! 

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