Order reference field (static text, last 2 digits of date, auto number)

Hi again

I'd like to give orders a reference number structured like:



2 replies

    • SECOS Group
    • quartz_cap
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Accidentally submitted!


    Anyway, above structure where

    OR = statis text

    19 = last 2 digits of the order date (i.e the year)

    001 = auto-increasing number

    Having trouble wrapping my head around the best way to do so.

    • Jorg
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Sarah, 

    you can use the following formula for that in the option "Trigger after create" in the table properties or in a button.


    let myyear := format(today(), "YY");
    let myOrderNr := max((select Purchases where substr('Order number', 3, 2) = myyear).number(substr('Order number', 6)));
    if cnt(myOrderNr) < 1 then
    'Order number' := text("OR_" + number(format(today(), "YY")) + "_0001")
    'Order number' := text("OR_" + number(format(today(), "YY")) + "_" + format(myOrderNr + 1, "0000"))

    Kind regards, Jörg